Saturday 10 November 2012

How To Escape The Newbie Zone, and Eliminate Bad Habits

Whenever we try and do something new, we always start as a newbie, or a new person starting something new from scratch. Starting an online business for the first time, well you're usually a newbie. Yea sure, you may know some technical things like setting up a blog, but making money online is new to you and you're still a newbie.
As a newbie, you often feel confused, lost, anxious, fearful and hesitant. This causes paralysis by analysis. Or rather, too much stuff going on at the same time which causes one to get overwhelmed and do nothing. You're at the beginning stage where you're taking on so much information at once, that you get paralyzed and end up doing nothing. That is one of the biggest hurdles that you must overcome, and that is to take action. Forget about waiting til everything is perfect before you take action, start now. The person who is a newbie, often times quits before they even get started and set up their first blog. Most folks that join any online business will fail because the simply don't do anything, they get stuck.
How to Break Bad Habits
Usually in any new venture, if we simply have a mentor, or a way of copying a successful person, then we are way ahead of the game. However, as a newbie, we carry a lot of preconceived notions about things and tend to create that monkey chatter of defeat within ourselves. And we do this before we even give it some effort.
We must learn how to break the bad habits, the ones that are keeping us from succeeding, and instead, create new good habits. So then, if we can just replace a bad habit with a good habit, then usually after 30 days we will have eliminated that bad habit. For example, for a long time, I could remember that it was tough, or should I say impossible, for me to wake up early to exercise in the morning. This is because I was lazy and didn't feel like going to the gym at 6 am before work.
I decided that my health was a priority and made a decision that I was going to replace my bad habit of, not getting up early and sleeping in, to a good habit of getting up early and forcing myself to get to the gym. Yeah the first few days were tough. I thought I was gonna die. My muscles hurt, my stomach was in knots and I felt nauseous. At the beginning, I already felt like giving up. My bad habits, sleeping in, were pretty strong and urging me to quit and go to bed.
However, a funny thing happened. After that first week, 7 days, I started to feel amazing and getting up early was becoming much easier. It was becoming a good habit. I pushed through the bad habit zone and created a new good habit to replace it. After 30 days, getting to the gym at 6 am before work, well it was a good habit and it was easy.
The same holds true for getting out of the newbie zone.
You first need to suffer a little bit through converting your bad habits, into good new habits. So start with creating a good new habit, like blogging every day and creating value. Replace your bad habits, as a newbie of being overwhelmed and doing nothing, to taking action and having good habits. If you focus on the simple things that are consistent and measurable, then you will see results fast and experience the reality for yourself of making money online.
Tyler Jaysen loves working at home. Discover how you too can start a legitimate work from home business in your spare time, Click here Now to find out more.
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