Monday 19 November 2012

Are You Looking At Your Life And Are Stuck in A Rut?

Do you feel as though you're stuck in a rut and can't get out?
Ya know it's funny how the older you get, the more that certain stories really have a lasting impact on you.
One story that I heard recently that really made me think, was the story of these kids who were at football practice one day jogging laps. This is in Florida during the summer, so the heat and humidity was really high, and this in turn made you feel really yucky and slowed down your movements.
Well these kids were feeling the fatigue while jogging around the field, and wanted to give up because they were getting tired. All of a sudden, this big scary dog jumps on the field and starts to chase after them.
Without even thinking, these guys started to run as fast as they could to get away from the big mean dog chasing after them. The thought of being bitten was worse than any kind of pain or fatigue they were feeling. They had an extra amount of energy, when they needed it, so that they could escape.
The same holds true for most people who are floating along in life, stuck in a rut, not living the life of their dreams. They are simply too tired and fatigued out to make any extra effort to try and get out of the rut.
In most cases, the only way to actually get out of that rut is if something drastic happens. Something like getting laid off, or having a pile of debt and not knowing where to turn, or needing to get off your ass to make something happen for the better.
In other words, to get out of your comfort zone and change your life.
If you want to finally make a life change because you're sick and tired of the rut of existence you're currently living, then you need to be shocked out of your rut. If you want to get your life out of your current mundane activities, then you must change your daily rituals. Drastic change will require you to wake up so you're at the point where you can't take it anymore. You have to change.
Yeah this is going to be difficult at first. The checks will stop coming in and you may find that you're running out of money. Suddenly things might seem like they're going downhill fast. However, stay focused on doing the same little tasks every day, and keep your mind set to where you believed that you can do it. And never look back. Fast forward 10 years later, and this will be the decision to get out of your comfort zone, a decision that actually changed your life.
And really that is the most important thing to keep in mind folks, life is a choice, and we can decide to get out of the soul-sucking day job and create a business that runs on autopilot. All it takes is focus and the belief that it is easy. And all the other elements will fall into place like magic.
Tyler Jaysen loves working at home. Discover how you too can start a legitimate work from home business in your spare time,Click here Now to find out more.
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