Tuesday 6 November 2012

Do You See Yourself Sabotaging Your Own Mind?

As I listened to one of the audios on my desk the other day, I realized that when you hear successful people talk about the things that makes a person successful at not just in business, but in life, I realize that life is all in your head. You live your life in your head. The daily conversations that you have with yourself determines every outcome that has happened in your life thus far. You are where you are in life because of you. You thought it into existence.
When starting any new thing, playing an instrument, learning a new skill, starting a business, you have that conversation inside your head constantly. With the new business, we get all excited at first, but then doubt starts to creep in because the millions haven't rolled in your account over the past 24 hours.
Well folks, we as entrepreneurs have to keep a positive outlook not only to survive, but because that is the only way anything will survive and flourish. You must go into any online business just as if it we a regular brick-n-mortar business where you shelled out a ton of coin to get it off the ground. You certainly wouldn't throw in the towel on that after the first month. Right? Same holds true in starting any online business you must get all in and give it 110% effort and treat it like a business.
As is true for any online business, you need to first focus and then set out and hit it hard for the next 90 days at least. If nothing happens and you get zero results from your efforts if you do that, well then that would be the contrary to what most newbies in internet marketing have experienced. Many regular folks who get into internet marketing make money like clockwork simply because the get out of their own way and just follow the steps. Self sabotage.
We all tend to do it from time to time, self sabotage our own efforts because of our mindless monkey chatter inside our heads. Maybe you feel that you don't deserve to be rich, or live in a luxury home, or drive an expensive car, because of the way you grew up. So you work really hard and start to see results and gain success, only to then self sabotage yourself and your business because of the ruminating of negativity going on inside your head.
Stop it now. You must end this cycle of thought and instead focus on thinking positive and influential thoughts that motivate you to move in the right directions and stop worrying about the outcome. Know that if you stay focused and listen to the inner circle mentors talk and how they think about life and their business, and you will find that your own monkey chatter will diminish considerably.
I've noticed that I'm curtailing my own monkey chatter much sooner as I seem to acknowledge when I'm doing it and I immediately stop doing it. I focus instead my thoughts on pushing through that negative moment and steering myself into the right direction. Having positive audios to listen to on a daily basis really helps keep you in check and focus and turn you head around.
Next time that your monkey chatter starts within your head, stomp your foot on the floor and yell out stop! And it will and now you can focus on moving forward.
Tyler Jaysen loves working at home. Discover how you too can start a legitimate work from home business in your spare time,  Now to find out more visit.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tyler_T_Jaysen
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7319155

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