Wednesday 27 February 2013

How To Market Your Business On Google

If you own a business, then marketing on Google is a must. Google is one of the most business friendly sites on the internet. Because it is also the number site as rated by Alexa, it is crucial to your marketing plan. Although there are many ways to market on this site, I want to share six different ways you can really give your business a boost.
Google+ - This is their latest attempt at a social networking site. Although Orkut is still around, Google has somewhat abandoned that site to be more competitive. Plus allows you to create pages for your business, as well as posting to your news feed. You may create groups of different audiences, allowing you to have private posts and chats with your teams, customers, or anyone else you want.
Google Places - This is a directory of businesses. You may add your business for free. You will need to confirm your submission either by mail or phone. Include as much information about your business as possible including a link to your website. This directory is quickly replacing the Yellow Pages as the place people go to find businesses. It also includes reviews from other sites, so you will find ratings and reviews on many of the businesses listed there.
Google Search Engines - Probably the first place most will go to market their businesses is here, this is probably the simplest and fastest marketing technique you will find to do on this site. To get started, sign up for an account. Once you have an account, submit your sitemap and then verify it so that the spiders can start to spider your site. If you don't have a sitemap, there are plenty of free tools available to help you make one.
Google Books - If you've written a book, then you'll want to submit your information here and get it indexed into the Google catalog. This will allow you to sell your books on their site, as well as selling in the Play store.
Google Business Site Builder - Don't have a website for your business and want to build one? Then buy a domain, point it to this site and then build your web presence here. It's a simple way to build a content rich website or squeeze page for your business. You may also consider building a page here to point to your website, which is link building gold.
Google Mobile - With five times as many cell phone users as computer users, you can't afford to not have a mobile website. Why pay for one when you can create one for free? This site makes it easy. Just create your code for the page and copy and paste it into the template. Simple.
To get the most from this site, you will want to visit Webmaster Central, as well as Google for Business. You'll also find plenty of tools and applications to help you run your business, so make sure you take a look at everything in your account. This will give you a powerful solution for your business, and most of it is free.
Like these tips? Then visitmy internet marketing blog for articles, videos, and other free content to help you market online. Connect with me on the social sites. Visit Killer Marketing Arsenal to get your free internet marketing membership.
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Monday 25 February 2013

How To Market Your Business On Facebook

If you use social marketing to market your business, then you know about Facebook. It is the number one social site on the internet and is only second to Google in the amount of traffic it gets (according to Alexa).
One of the things I like most about this site is that there are so many ways to market here. Except for the ads section, all of these techniques are free.
Fan Pages - A fan page is where you create a page for your site. You post status updates to this page, as well as information about your business. Once you build your page, make sure you share it everywhere you can. Your page should be complete, keyword rich, and point back to your business website. You may build as many pages as you like, so if you're a book author, build a page for each of your books.
Groups - Groups allow you to connect with others and discuss topics you care about. Facebook offers groups on just about every topic imaginable, so you'll find plenty available regardless of what topic you are interested in. There is a limit at this time on the number of groups you may join: 300. Periodically get rid of groups that don't serve you, and if you're being added to groups you're not interested in, delete those too.
Friends - You are limited to only 5000 friends here, so make all your connections count. Read the profiles of those who want to connect with you. Search for those you want to connect with and send friends requests. These requests are limited to 20 a day, so be careful when you're sending out these requests. Facebook may lock you out for awhile if they think you are engaging in spam.
Events - You may post your events, or you can attend the events of others. If you do decide to create an event, make sure you promote it as much as possible so that you get the attendees you want. Invite your friends but show respect. Don't bombard them with events. Send out a press release and a mailing to your list to let them know. You also want to consider other ways to promote like article writing, as well as promoting on your blog.
Applications and Games - Not only can you create applications to promote your business, you can create applications and games to make money. Some of these games have become so popular that they have made millions of dollars. This will work better if you are in the gaming industry, but if you can find a way to relate a game to your business, then you should consider it. Use applications to help you automate blog posting to your pages. There are also plenty of applications that can be used to post your status from other sites like Pinterest, Twitter, and others so that friends may see your activity on other sites.
Ads - Ads on Facebook are much less expensive than ads you buy on Google AdWords. There are different ways you can choose ads, including simply promoting a status, or you may buy impressions. Whatever you choose, make sure you make an offer that drives traffic to your website. What this means is that you don't want to try and sell anything in your ad. Try to build a list so you can recycle your traffic and get the most out of it. You may also consider sending them to your content on Facebook to build fans.
Facebook is a great way to promote your business. However, it can be very addictive, so make sure you have a plan before you start marketing there. This includes having a list of tasks you complete each day, and you want to make sure that you answer your friend requests, messages, and any other requests you may have.
Like these tips? Then visit my internet marketing blog for articles, videos, and other free content to help you market online. Connect with me on the social sites. Visit Killer Marketing Arsenal to get your free internet marketing membership.
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Saturday 23 February 2013

A Short Guide To Making More Money By Writing Effective Sales Copy

Writing effective sales copy is one of the easiest ways to increase your sales and improve the overall conversion of your sales materials. By improving your conversion, you can increase your profits, and you only have to rewrite your copy one time. You may rewrite your copy more than one time and test and track your copy, but just rewriting and improving one time is enough to make you more money.
Now, here's how to get started.
1. Start by rewriting your headlines.
The headlines are the most important part of your sales copy. This is the part of your sales letter that just about all of your readers will read. The truth is, most will read your headlines, bullet points, guarantee, and price. They want to know what your product does and how it will solve their immediate problem. Make sure you cover this information thoroughly, but remember, focus on those headlines. Make a bold statement and then fulfill it in your copy and then in your product. Nothing is worse than buying a product that doesn't fulfill the promise in the sales letter. Spend 80 percent of your time crafting great headlines and create a swipe file of great headlines you have found. Rewrite them or use them to help you create your own.
2. Rewrite your bullet points.
Unfortunately, a lot of sales copy offers features in the bulleted area instead of benefits. Features tell you what the product is, the functional part of the product. Benefits tell your readers how the product will solve their problems. Make sure your bullet points fulfill the promise in the product.
Here's an example of benefits versus features:
Benefit - Product X will double, even triple your sales simply by writing a single headline this way!
Feature - This is a book on copywriting to teach you how to write effective copy.
3. Rewrite your other copy.
If you haven't added any testimonials, case studies, or any of your other information that lends credibility to what you are writing, then this is the time to add it. Make sure your testimonials are true and complete. I've had potential customers actually contact the people who gave me testimonials to ask if what they said was true. Don't make up testimonials. Use real people who have actually said what is written in the testimonial. Also, check your spelling and grammar, and read your sales letter out loud to make sure it flows. Nothing is more embarrassing than a sales letter with a spelling error in it.
4. Test and track your sales copy.
It's a waste of time to rewrite your copy if you don't test and track what works. Split test your sales letter to see if your new copy is better than before. (Split testing is where you show one sales letter to one group of visitors and a different sales letter to another.) There are plenty of scripts available to help you with this task.
When writing your sales letters, only test one element at a time. Otherwise, you won't understand what needs improvement in your sales letter. This information is important because it will allow you to understand what is working and what isn't. Test the elements of your copy regularly and integrate what you learn in future sales letters. This will improve your sales and increase your profits without a lot of work.
Want to learn to make money online? Then check out my site: Make Money Online For Free for 7 different ways you can make money online. Download $97 in free copywriting ebooks to help you improve your conversions and make more money from your business with less work: Professional Writing Services
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Thursday 21 February 2013

Traffic Techniques For Selling Resell Rights Products

If you can make money with resell rights products, then you're in a good place to be. Earning money with resell rights products is like nothing else in the world - especially if you're selling ebooks. And I'm sure you're aware of the perks of selling resell rights ebooks. There are just so many.
You have unlimited inventory, you can never run out of them, you can earn good profits from them, people are looking for immediate solutions to their problems or goals, they can be immediately downloaded after purchase, and you don't have to worry about a lot of refunds. Typically if your ebook is good, you will get a lot of sales and very little refunds.
The main thing that you have to worry about when it comes to making money with resell rights products is traffic. Getting website traffic is very easy. And I'm not talking about any kind of traffic... I'm talking about TARGETED traffic. Right now I average about 300 visitors a day to my website, and the number is growing by the day. But that's because I know what to do, and I've trained myself to figure out which traffic strategies are best for my business.
You have to make the same analysis for your site too. But you should know that getting traffic isn't hard. You can either do paid advertising, or free marketing. The good thing about free marketing online is that it's TOTALLY different than from doing free marketing offline.
There are so many portals that you can use online to get yourself a lot of traffic. With offline marketing, you're limited. You could do press releases, articles for specific magazines, and maybe a free classified ad listing in a small publication. Other than that, you're very limited.
In the case of online marketing, you can make a lot of money and get a lot of traffic from free marketing. You can use article marketing and submitting to the article directories, forum marketing, blogging, YouTube, social marketing, email marketing, and even search engine marketing... and more!
Traffic is very important when it comes to selling your resell rights products effectively. If you're planning on doing paid advertising, make sure that you price your product high enough to make a profit, break even, or at least make your money back from the second sale that you get from your customer.
The paid advertising sources that I enjoy are pay per click advertising (PPC), blog advertising, and advertising on high traffic websites. The best pay per click advertising program is Google AdWords - but it can get costly depending on your niche and the kind of product that you want to sell. So test the niche out first by analyzing the cost per click (CPC) that you will have to pay whenever someone clicks on your ad.
Selling resell rights products are definitely a good idea, and if you're not prolific yet with product development, it's something that you will want to look into.
Good luck with selling your resell rights products online today.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here: Internet Marketing Secrets
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Monday 18 February 2013

How To Easily Drive Targeted Traffic To Your Website

Early in my internet marketing career, one of my readers asked me how to raise the conversion of his website and get more targeted traffic. I scratched my head because I had never really thought about it. I guess I took it for granted, but I used techniques I knew worked for me, but in order to answer his question, I actually had to do some research.
The truth is, the answer is more obvious than you may think. Implementing an effective marketing plan that will drive targeted traffic to your website is easy if you follow a few simple steps.
Your first step is to take a look at the internet marketing techniques that are available. Although there are probably over 100 different ways to market online, some techniques are more effective than others. The most effective techniques include:
-Search engine marketing (both free and paid)
-Article writing
-Free classifieds
-Joint ventures
-Affiliate program management (Creating your own affiliate program)
-Press releases
-Social marketing (blogs, social sites like Facebook and MySpace, video marketing)
-Forum marketing
There are more. I've only listed the ones I've tried. What's important is to first learn the different ways to market and then choose techniques you want to try.
And that is your next step: select the marketing technique you want to use. Personally, I think that free classifieds is the best place to start. The reason is that classifieds are a medium we're all familiar with. Also, you don't need a website to start with, and it's also a great way to build your lists.
Once you've chosen the technique you want to use, then write your marketing materials. If you're using classifieds, write ads. Article writing, write articles. What's important here is to understand how to write an effective ad, article, etc. in order to get the clickthrough.
Finally, you will want to choose where you will submit. If you are submitting ads, you will want to find as many free classified ad sites as possible. Sites like Alexa will give you ranking information to help you choose sites that get a lot of traffic. Article sites, as well as social media sites and others work the same way.
Just remember to select sites that are focused on what you sell. Although sites like Facebook get a ton of traffic, it's not always targeted because people go there for different reasons.
The bottom line is this: choose effective internet marketing techniques. Write marketing materials that focus on the benefits and not the features of what you are selling. Market consistently. Bad marketing is always better than no marketing at all.
Discover how to drive even more targeted traffic to your website. Download my free " Internet Marketing Tips " Guide from my blog. Get free internet marketing ebooks and software from Killer Marketing Arsenal.
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Friday 15 February 2013

5 Simple Strategies to Building a Solid Internet Marketing Plan for Your Offline Business

According to the Google ComScore, it is estimated that roughly 60 percent of all small businesses don't have a website. This also means they probably don't have an online presence either. Without an online presence, these businesses are leaving money on the table since more searches are done in Google for local businesses than in the Yellow Pages. If you want your business found, you have no choice but to develop an online presence. These internet marketing strategies will help you get started:
1. Decide what you want to achieve with your online marketing efforts.
All your marketing efforts must have a marketing objective. Without one, your marketing may take your business in a direction you don't want to go. Do you want to increase the number of customers buying from your business? Are you looking to increase your reputation? What about increasing your word of mouth marketing from your customers? These, and others, are legitimate questions to ask if you plan to implement any type of internet marketing strategy. Have clear goals and also have a way to measure those goals.
2. Decide which internet marketing techniques you will use to market your business.
There are many different ways to market your business online. Some are effective, and some are not. If you want to increase brand management, then consider developing a website, optimizing it for the search engines, and then using content, like articles, free reports, and even video to promote yourself.
If increasing customers quickly is an issue, then consider pay per click campaigns or directory submission. There are about 35 different relevant directories in this category that can dramatically increase your traffic. Make sure mobile marketing is a part of your strategy because many use their mobile phones to search for local businesses now.
3. Choose a company to do your marketing for you, especially if you aren't familiar with marketing online.
If you are just starting out, and you have the cash, then leave it to the professionals, especially if you want to increase your traffic quickly. If, on the other hand, you have a tight budget, then you'll have to do it yourself. Read two to three books on internet marketing by reputable authors prior to planning your campaigns. Then you'll know what to include in your campaign, as well as what you need to learn to execute your campaigns. Do your homework. It will save you a lot of grief and frustration later.
4. Choose both a short and long term internet marketing strategy to get you started.
Short term internet marketing strategies include: free classifieds, joint ventures, forums, social marketing, and video marketing. Long term strategies include: article writing, affiliate program management, free ebooks, reports, and document sites, blogging, and press releases.
Regardless of which of these techniques you choose, start by building a website first. This is where you want to send your traffic. Include a subscription page and add your subscription box to all of the pages on your site. This will allow you to keep in contact with both potential and current customers. Send them special offers and other content of interest.
5. Test and track your efforts, as well as add new techniques to mix up your marketing.
No marketing plan will really help you if you don't know how well you are doing. Testing and tracking is an essential element of the process. Include it from the beginning as you have a wide range of things you can test: headlines, copy, clicks, sign ups, etc. Take different measurements in different areas to increase your effectiveness. Make your campaigns work as hard as possible for you. Keep your winning campaigns and then discard the rest.
Internet marketing is a simple way to increase your business. I know I'm repeating myself, but as an offline business, you're leaving money on the table if you don't use internet marketing strategies. Give yourself a competitive advantage and increase your traffic and sales with it, and you'll see results much faster than conventional offline techniques.
Want to know more? Then sign up for my free internet marketing webinar where I explain each of these sites in more detail. For a free internet marketing plan evaluation, click here: Marketing Plan.
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Wednesday 13 February 2013

5 Simple Strategies For Increasing Your Affiliate Commissions

An affiliate business is a lucrative way to build a business. The problem is that eventually, like any other business, your income level will top out if you don't take measures to keep the momentum going and the growth continuing.
There are many ways you can increase your profits and continue your growth. Below are five strategies, that if implemented correctly, will help you to continue to grow your affiliate business:
1. Find forums related to your topic and market there.
Although forums are an older way of marketing, they're still an effective way to market your business. Those who join forums tend to be rabid fans of the topic at hand, so you will find that they will be more interested in your offers than groups on social sites. Just don't make it a habit of shoving your offers in front of them all the time. Focus on giving out quality information on these sites and building your expertise on your topic. Become a recognized expert on these sites because it will help you gain credibility and sales.
2. Use free ebooks and reports to promote affiliate products.
With the proliferation of document sharing sites on the internet, there are more opportunities than ever to promote your content. The most important thing you want to do here is to write quality content in your ebooks. Present the problem and then present the solution. The job of the product you choose to promote is to solve whatever the problem your potential customers are having. This increases your chances of making the sale when your offer solves their problems.
3. Write your own marketing materials.
Although many merchants will create their own marketing materials for affiliates, it's usually not a good idea to use them because they get overused. Sometimes they may not even be that good. By writing your own marketing materials you have the opportunity to present a fresh perspective on the product you are marketing. The content you are creating is also unique. Because it's unique, potential customers will have to come to you to get it, and that will increase your traffic.
4. Create a list and give away quality content.
In addition to creating your own marketing material, you will also want to create your own content. To get the most from your marketing efforts, build a list and recycle your traffic. Only about two percent of your visitors will ever come back to your site on their own, so you will want a way to keep them coming back.
5. Buy the product and write your own endorsement.
It gets much easier to sell a product if you know its limitations are. This also lends credibility to your marketing materials because you can show the limitations of the product while still showing how the product will solve your customers' problems. Again, you are offering something unique that only your potential customers will be able to get from you.
Look for other ways to increase your commissions and make more sales. There are many passive strategies available too, so don't pass these up. You can easily increase your bottom line while working less.
Like these tips? Then sign up today at Affiliate Cash to download your free guides: "Affiliate Marketer's Handbook" and Super Affiliate Marketing Secrets". For more tips, articles, and videos on starting an affiliate business, visit my site: Affiliate Cash.
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Monday 11 February 2013

2 Online Marketing Strategies That Can Boost Sales

When I first got started out online, I had no idea of what I needed to do to make money on the internet. I tried a lot of different things and operated in a ton of different niches. I was running around trying to make money - and I didn't have faith in just 1 marketing strategy. So I was scrambling each and everyday.
Nowadays however, I have grown to become patient, and I have a lot of marketing strategies that I do everyday that helps me to become profitable. If you're in a position where you're new or you aren't making money online, then you should know that there is hope. And that's what I want to share with you how to do.
In today's lesson, we will talk about what you can do to make the money in your business that you desire. These are really success tips for online business, but they are powerful once you apply them. Let's just jump into the heart of the matter. Here's the first tip for having success online:
1) Get a mentor who's making money
With a mentor, you get to hear the shortcut secrets of how to make your website profitable. A mentor will show you were to go, what to do, and how to do your marketing on the internet. This is very important if you want to see the sales that you desire immediately.
One "downfall" of using a mentor is that they will probably charge you for their time. This can either be a nominal fee, or an astronomical fee lol. People hate it when they give advice but people don't act upon it. So to make their words heard and to get action, they will charge you a fee for their services.
When I first started out, I had a mentor, and he showed me the ins and outs of how to make a lot of money online. Through the good times and bad, he still stuck through there with me and helped me out with my marketing. You need to find someone like this online who can help you to earn the money that you are looking for. Here's another tip for having success online:
2) Make your sales letter good
This is like your sales agent. The more people you get in front of your sales agent, the more money you will make on a daily basis. But creating an effective sales letter requires good copywriting skills. Copywriting is one of the best skills that you can develop online. The power of putting words on a page and convincing people to buy can dramatically increase your sales.
If you don't have the money to hire a top copywriter, you can easily get a "swipe file" and emulate the sales letters, headlines, and ads in it. A swipe file is a collection of ads and sales letters that are proven to sell, and that are still selling well till this day. These sales letters were written by master copywriters, and you can study the structure of these letters to create original ones of your own.
These 2 tips for having success online are pivotal, and can make you a lot of money. Be sure to implement them today.
Good luck with making your online business work today.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regardedonline marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here: Internet Marketing Secrets
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Saturday 9 February 2013

3 Strategies Of A Solid Internet Business

Before you start a business, you want to make sure you have a solid foundation. Create a plan for what you want, what you want your business to do for you, and how you will get to where you want to go. These three strategies will help you get there and choose a business that is right for you.
1. Choose an online business that has minimal start up costs.
If you want to build a solid business foundation, you'll want to choose the right tools to help you build your business. These include a domain, web hosting, and an autoresponder. These are the minimum tools you will need. Once you are making money, then your next step is buy submission tools to help you automate your marketing. After that, there's really not a lot you need, and you can acquire these tools inexpensively. Invest in a good solid business education.
Read at least three books on starting an online business so that you create a solid plan. Continue to update your knowledge and stay away from the hype that is often involved in the business building and marketing process online. There are really only four different business models to concern yourself with: your products, affiliate products, services, and MLM. Then it's a matter of combining your marketing techniques with the site model you choose: a blog, content site, squeeze pages, and sales letter sites.
2. Make it easy to set up and maintain.
Your first step here is to set up everything. This means creating your websites, creating your autoresponder, and writing your emails. Create a marketing campaign and stick to it for awhile. Test everything and make sure it works. If it doesn't, adjust course and try something else. A solid business model only needs to take two to three hours a day to run unless you simply like working. If you want more money, and you've set up a solid business foundation, then consider scaling up. As always stay focused and use what works.
3. You want to start making money quickly, usually within 30 days.
The fastest way to make money online is to choose a topic, create a squeeze page, and then use pay per click to promote it. You can be making profits within hours. This is also a business model you may scale, but it can be very costly, especially if you don't have a lot of money to start with. Regardless, if you execute your plan and stay focused, you will see profits within 30 days. That's really only how long it should take once you have everything in place and start marketing.
Build a solid foundation for your business. Create an effective marketing plan and stick to it. Consistency and focus are key here. This is a simple and effective plan for success, so follow it, and you will see results.
Like these tips? Go to Sign up for my free ecourse, "How To REALLY Start Your Business in 30 Days", and get your business startedtodatty Free Course. Visit to for more tips, strategies, and articles on how to start your business.
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Thursday 7 February 2013

5 Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Twitter

Twitter is one of the most visited websites in the world. It's also one of the most misunderstood because it's different from many of the websites available where you can market. If you understand how to market on Twitter though, you can drive a ton of traffic to your website, build your brand, and make more money. Below are five tips that will help you get more from Twitter:
1. Create a username that brands your business.
In my case, I use my name. It's because I'm an author, and I want others to identify my name with my work. You may want to use the name of your business. Whatever you use, make sure you use something that relates to your business and will help others remember who you are.
2. Build an effective profile.
There are several things you may do to make your profile more effective. First, you may consider adding a custom background. This allows you to add more information about your business. The profile functions on Twitter are quite limited because you only have about 160 characters available for your description and a link to your website. With a custom background, you can add information about your social profiles, as well as anything else you want. Write a description that includes your keyword as well as including a link to your site.
3. Follow those in your industry.
If you want to connect with the top people in your industry, then follow them. If you start following them, they may just follow you. Follow as many people in your industry as you can. This will allow you to connect with people in your industry and build your following. Building a following is hard work, so get out there and do it. Use your other social sites to help you find those to connect to.
4. Engage your audience.
You don't want to constantly write about your business. That's boring. Get personal and invite your followers into your life too. You don't want to be too personal, but try and write about different things. Get your audience to pay attention to what you are saying. If others are following you, you can share their posts, as well as comment. Really connect with your readers.
5. Avoid automation.
Although you may want to automate your blog posts, which is fine, you don't want to automate all of your posts. Make it a point to post content yourself at regular intervals. Read what others are writing and see what tweets others are engaging on. This will help you figure out what type of content to post, again, so you can engage your readers.
Twitter can be an effective way to market your business if you use it correctly. Take the time to learn how to use it, and you can build a tremendous amount of traffic and sales to your business.
Like these tips? Then visit my internet marketing blog for articles, videos, and other free content to help you market online. Connect with me on the social sites. Sign up for my list to get my free Internet Marketing Tips Guide to discover how to market your business for free.
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Tuesday 5 February 2013

7 Top Tips For Starting Your Online Business Right

There are about as many ways to start a business online as there are people. Each business is unique although most successful businesses share certain qualities. If you want to start a business, and you want to make it successful, then there are certain things you will want to do. These tips will help you lay the foundation to a business that earns you money for years to come. Here's how to get started:
1. Learn what you need to know first.
Too many would be small business owners jump online and fall for a lot of the hype that's out there. "How to earn $1 million dollars today!" I'm sorry, but it's really not like that. If you want to start a business, first investigate different business opportunities and strategies, and then choose one. You want to choose a business opportunity you will want to do. Choose something you like. Choose a topic you like. If you don't, you could end up in a business you hate, and eventually you will quit because you won't want to do the work. Business is work, and if you're not willing to work, you won't succeed.
2. Create a plan of attack.
Creating an effective plan of attack includes choosing the topic of your business, choosing the types of products you will sell, what type of business website you want to use (blogs, sales letter sites, review sites), how you will market, what marketing materials you will write. The list goes on and on. What's most important is to write out your plan. Make it flexible, and be willing to change as necessary, but write it down. You are far more likely to succeed if you have some type of roadmap and know where you are going.
3. Set goals for your business.
Goals can include anything from your income goals to getting things done. It's a good idea to have a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly plan so that you stay on track. This will also allow you to keep track of what you are doing and what you have accomplished. You may want to consider keeping a journal so that you can write down things you have accomplished, as well as monetary goals you have achieved. A digital diary works well because it allows you to search your entries. Then you can go back and reread those entries to see how far you have come.
4. Take action.
One of my favorite expressions is "nothing happens unless something moves." You can make all the great plans in the world, but if you don't act on them, nothing will happen. So, although you may have to plan the steps you want to take, plan those steps and then execute them. You may want to consider the backward planner system where you start with the end result and then plan the steps backward. Keep your plan flexible, as you may learn something along the way you didn't account for, but create those steps and take them. You will reach your goal a lot faster.
5. Test and track everything.
If you want to know where you are getting the best results, the best thing to do is to test and track everything. When I mean everything, I'm talking about everything from the headlines and copy in your sales letters to how many readers you are getting with your articles. Some of these tests will be more difficult to set up than others, but there are plenty of scripts available to help you with this. Search engines often have tracking tools as well, and many of the top article directories will tell you where your traffic is coming from, how many are viewing your articles, as well as how many clicks you are getting on your links. One simple trick you may use is to use different links for each of your campaigns.
6. Stay focused.
Once you choose the business model you plan to use, stick with it. Too many new business owners jump online and get caught up in the fads. Then they get frustrated and quit because they think the system they are using doesn't work. Choose an effective business model from the beginning, and you will avoid this. There are four business models you may use, combined with various content management systems, that will give you effective results: selling your own products, selling others' products, MLM, and services.
7. Rinse and repeat.
Once you have found the business model that is making you money, it's time to evaluate what is actually making you money. Once you know this, then scale up and do more of it. Internet Marketing legend Mark Joyner says it best: "Find out what you are doing that's making you money and then just do more of it."
Keep building and keep marketing, and you will make money. Stay focused, and stick with a business model for a few months before trying something else. You will succeed, and you'll make money for years to come.
Like these tips? Go to Sign up for my free ecourse, "How To REALLY Start Your Business in 30 Days", and get your business started todayFree Course. Visit to for more tips, strategies, and articles on how to start your business.
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Sunday 3 February 2013

8 Simple Internet Marketing Strategies for Promoting Your Blog

If you want to build a business on the internet, a blog is essential. It's one of the best public relations tools you can create because it allows you to connect with your audience. What I like the most about it is that you can automate much of the promotion, and so you can spend your time connecting with your audience, as well as writing great content. When you build your blog, follow these strategies to start getting traffic quickly.
1. Generate a sitemap and submit to the major search engines.
There are only two search engines to concern yourself with: Google and Bing. Bing drives the results for Yahoo, so this will give you about 80 percent coverage in the search engines. If you use a plugin like SEO by Yoast (it's what I use), then you can automatically generate a sitemap and then submit it. This is a one time task. After that, monitor your sitemap looking for broken links, as well as to find out how much of your content has been indexed.
2. Submit to blog and RSS directories.
Robin Good offers an excellent list that is constantly updated. Submit your blog to all the sites on the lists so that blog readers can find your content. When you post to your blog, it will automatically update these sites and can drive traffic for you.
3. Comment on other blogs in your topic.
Although blog comments don't carry as much weight as a linking strategy, don't ignore this. Blog commenting, like other forms of marketing, is about connecting with your audience. People buy. Search engines and directories don't. Although they can help you with traffic and sales, they aren't your sales. When you start blog commenting, provide good content here too. Others will read your comments, and they may just visit your blog.
4. Write guest blog posts.
Guest blogging is one of the most effective ways to get the word out about your blog. You may consider doing a search in the search engines to find sites that accept blog posts. You'll want to search for guest blogging and your topic. Two sites that may also help you are My Blog Guest and Blog Synergy. Submit your unique content there and have it picked up by others blogs that want what you are writing about.
5. Use social bookmarking.
This internet marketing technique will help you build high ranking backlinks, but it will also turn your content into mini news stories that are often read on these sites. It will help you get traffic and build your overall search engine marketing strategy too. Create a good description, title, and tags. Include your keywords in the title and tag so you get the best results.
6. Use a comprehensive ping list.
A ping list is a list of sites that index blogs, and when you ping them, you are notifying them that your blog has been updated so that they update your content. They may be search engines or RSS directories. You want to get the most coverage possible, and pinging your blog will will do the job for you. There are free services available for you to do this, but if you set up the ping list within your blog, these sites will be pinged automatically and automate this process for you.
7. Write good search engine optimized content.
Before you write your content, make sure you do good keyword research. Find the right keywords for your blog and write good content around it. Don't forget your readers though. They are the ones who will be reading your content. The search engines will only be indexing it. Give them good content too so that they read it. You'll build a better relationship with your readers by doing this.
8. Use Facebook plugins to promote.
Facebook offers lots of tools to help you promote your blog content. Since it's the most popular social site, you have more opportunities to connect with your audience and these plugins will help you. You are more likely to get likes and comments by using these tools too. Once you install the plugin, you can automate the entire process. Just make sure you monitor the comments so you can connect with your readers.
Whether you own a new blog or an old blog, these strategies will help you get more traffic and sales if you apply them. Use them as a checklist to get you started in marketing your blog. Then you'll connect with your audience and automate your marketing too.
Want to know more? Then sign up for my free internet marketing webinar where I explain each of these sites in more detail. For a free internet marketing plan evaluation, click here: Marketing Plan.
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