Wednesday 14 May 2014

How To Increase Your Opt In Rate By Making Your Website Pages Work For You

We often hear about how to create a website and that you need to have some way for visitors to sign up to an email list. So you put a web form in your sidebar. What about the actual pages or posts on your website? What is their function?
Unless you understand the role of your website then you won't have a clear plan for the purpose of the pages within your web site.
Think about your about page - what is the purpose of that page? Well, it's obviously to tell your readers a little bit about yourself and perhaps your business. Is that all?
If you take time to check out a few sites and read the about page you will probably notice one of two things:
  1. Some sites are using that about page for a specific purpose - you know this because there is a call to action on that page.
  2. Some sites are using that page to purely inform you about the site, themselves and/or their business. Nothing else. No call to action.
Which is best?
I believe that it is an opportunity missed if you don't have some call to action on every single page on your website. (Obviously I'm not including legal pages).
You might think that just because you have a web form in your sidebar that you have a call to action - it's visible of every single page.
However, I have tested this on one of my own sites and I know that the form in the sidebar is not as effective as a specific call to action within the page or blog post itself.
Perhaps we have been so conditioned to see opt in forms in the sidebar that we just tune it out?
I think that there is another reason.
Once someone has read through your information or blog post they know a little bit more about you. If you then have a call to action offering something in return for signing up to your email list then you no longer have a cold lead - they are warm.
In other words they have decided from reading your content that you are knowledgeable, that you seem to know what you are talking about and are probably someone who could help.
You've begun the process of developing a relationship with that visitor.
Therefore imagine if you had a call to action on every single page or post in your site. Do you think it would make a difference to your overall opt in rate?
From experience I know that it does.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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