Friday, 20 September 2013

TelexFREE Business Review, All You Need To Know

One of the fastest ways to earn a lot of money without spending too much effort is through network marketing. However, if you have not joined a good company, you will not only lose the money you have invested but also your dreams of becoming big time. It is very important to check every detail of a new network marketing group before you join to avoid being scammed. TelexFREE, which claims to have produced many millionaires in just a short span of time, is one of the rapidly rising companies in the network marketing industry. If you are looking for information regarding this company, then this TelexFREE review will be of great help.
What is TelexFREE?
TelexFREE is a network marketing company which has launched in Brazil in 2012. As of the moment, the company has over 400,000 members worldwide. The company offers 99TelexFREE as their main product and internet advertising as the main income generating scheme.
Company background
Initially, TelexFREE existed as Common Cents Communication. It wasn't a network marketing company on its first years of existence. Common Cents Communication was then named TelexFREE in 2012 with the network marketing scheme introduced to the market.
Credibility of owner
One way to verify a company's credibility is through the name of the owner. When visiting the official site of TelexFREE, you will see that the name of the founder, Mr. James Merrill, has been mentioned. Mr. James Merrill is originally a part of the Common Cents Communication. When he observed how much Brazilians spend on telecommunications, he formulated a marketing plan to decrease expenses. With his background on telecommunication technology, James Merrill has come up with TelexFREE Company.
The product review
The 99TelexFREE product of the company offers telephone service which is very unique from other services. It offers free calls to any Brazilian landlines and to Brazilian mobiles of specific carriers. It also offers landline calls to Canada and the US and 40 other countries.
How is the product used?
You can use the product for individual or business purposes. Since it offers unlimited services, you can enjoy limitless telecommunication with just a little amount to spend per month. This will surely be of great help especially for business owners.
The compensation plan review
In every TelexFREE review, it is important to present the compensation plan. When you join the company, several ways to earn are available. One of the ways to earn is through recruitment. It will not be difficult to recruit members since the product they offer is a basic need. You will be receiving compensation from every individual who joins the company through you. Another way to earn is through advertisement. You will be advertising the company and other ads over the internet to receive additional earnings.
How much it costs to join
Franchise for TelexFREE is $289 while the 99TelexFREE product is worth $49.90 monthly. When you recruit a new member who pays $49.90 a month, you will be receiving 10% of what he pays.
Individuals may join ADCENTRAL and become a promoter. Promoters use their account to place ads on the internet and to sell 99TelexFREE to more people. The initial investment of $289 provided the promoter with an ADCENTRAL account and the ADCENTRAL Kit (supports up to 10 additional accounts and sets the stage for promoting groups). The more accounts you control, the more money can be made. Individuals may purchase additional accounts for $289 each. However, by investing $1375, a promoter can purchase an ADCENTRAL Family-account which provides 4 additional accounts.
Is TelexFREE A Scam?
So, is this company for you? The answer will depend on how you see it. If you want to gain great residual income through legit and effective recruitment and advertisement, this is for you. If you want to take the chance to have a great financial breakthrough, then this is also for you. TelexFREE is not a scam. It is an opportunity for every human being who wants to reach his or her maximum potential. TelexFREE has a real product that can save you thousands of dollars especially if you're a business owner.
Dr Rick Moses Fraser is a Board Certified Physician and an expert in Attraction Marketing and Reviewing Businesses.That is Why He has provided a detailed TelexFREE Business Review for those looking to join.
Article Source:,_MD
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