Sunday, 15 September 2013

2 Components Of Email Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing only works when somebody is viewing your offers. Of course there are numerous ways to promote an affiliate offer including sending out targeted emails. Email affiliate marketing has proven over the years to be one of the best ways to promote affiliate offers.
So how hard can it be to do email affiliate marketing? In its simplest form you need 2 things to send out affiliate offers via email.
1. People to email.
2. Something to promote.
Let's talk about how you can do email marketing if you don't have an email list. The way to do this is to send out offers to other people's email list.
You want to find a targeted list that has subscribers that expect to receive email offers. You might as well forget about doing bulk email as that really doesn't work anymore and you run the potential of being accused of sending out spam.
Where can you find an email list to send offers out to?
HBAds and My Wizard Ads are 2 sources for email marketing. They offer both solo email ads and for advertising in established email newsletters known as ezines.
From a cost standpoint you're going to spend more money doing a solo email ad then you are advertising in an email newsletter where there might be other advertisers. Of course with the solo ad you're ad is the only thing that people are going to see. In an email newsletter people are going to be viewing other content which is not going to make your ad stand out as much.
However, when you do email marketing in an ezine you can also promote a short classified ad as opposed to a longer solo ad.
What should you be promoting? There are two schools of thought to this.
One idea is to promote a landing page that allows you to build your own list. In essence what you're doing is using somebody else's list to help build your own. The strategy does work if you have an offer that is enticing enough to get somebody to give you their name and email address.
The other school of thought is to promote your affiliate offer directly. This is easy because as an affiliate you have a specific website that is coded with your identification number. All you have to do is promote that affiliate URL and in many cases the merchant will give you an email solo ad with your affiliate URL already set up.
Another way to do this is to purchase a domain name and redirect it to your affiliate URL. This is more professional and in many cases the person clicking on the ad never even realizes they've been transferred from a domain name to an affiliate website.
Still one other thing to do is to use a URL shortener such as Tiny URL which hides the affiliate URL. The reader will know that you're shortening the URL, but they do not know exactly where they will be taken.
Email affiliate marketing is a great way to build your list and to promote affiliate offers directly. You do not have to let your lack of an email list stop you when your first getting started.
Dr Moses P Fraser, MD specializes in affiliate marketing and to get his top affiliate marketing strategies go to
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