Thursday, 8 November 2012

10 Steps Forward, and 10 Steps Backward

I think about one of the important mindset aspects that successful entrepreneurs talk about. And that is, taking 10 steps forward and 10 steps back. What this means is, most people live their entire lives working at a job where their entire days consists of yep you guessed it, taking 10 steps forward, like from the cubicle to the boss's office and then 10 steps backward to their cubicle. You stare at your computer all day wondering, "Is this all there is to life?" Waiting for your boss to tell you what do to and how to spend you day and what to think.
This is all about being mediocre in life and not trying to pursue ones dreams. We all have to make a living and bills need to be paid, however, we've been sold the same dream for the past 50 years. And that dream is, work your but off 8 hours a day in school, and then work your but off for 8 hours in college, and then graduate and work your but off for 8 hours in a job and then do that for the next 40 years til you retire.
While there are many variations of this story, in reality, this is what is being sold to the average Joe and to our kids today. But this is a pipe dream, and the reality is, that the old way of doing things to make money and build wealth doesn't work anymore.
All you need to do, is look at the stats from the past 40 years and look at how folks have very little money saved for retirement. By the time they are ready to exit the job force and start their retirement, most of them have very little to support themselves. What's worse, is that a majority of the money when you're 65 is used for medical expenses and health care.
This old way of thinking, this mindset, is rooted in mediocrity. All that you will get in life if you follow this system, is being a normal regular guy. Most people who follow this train of thought, graduate college with a huge amount of debt to pay off and work a job that pays $13 an hour. So you end up slaving away at a job day after day, eeking out an existence and barely scraping by. Living a life of hand to mouth and just barely 1 paycheck away from becoming homeless.
Maybe 2 generations ago this philosophy actually worked, but these days there is a much better way to live life for those that are not afraid of change and want to take chances. Too many people want to coast through life and not take any chances, living safely all the way to their grave.
It's like the story of the wild bear that was captured in the mountains and taken to the zoo. At first, when the bear was put into the cage, he growled and went crazy trying to escape. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not get out of that cage. So after a while, the bear realized it was hopeless and stopped trying. Then once they finally got the bear to the zoo and put him in his home area, he paced back and forth trying to find a way to escape. However, after discovering that he could not get out, he gave up again. Now the zookeeper brings the bear his food everyday, and the bear spends his days waking up, walking 10 steps forward, eating his food and walking 10 steps back.
Now one day the zoo keeper tried a test on the bear and moved the gate out a little bit, so the bear could walk more than 10 steps. The bear was so conditioned to only take those 10 steps, that he never even tried to venture out past those 10 steps even though he could. This is how most people live their entire lives.
Tyler Jaysen loves working at home. Discover how you too can start a legitimate work from home business in your 
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