There are a lot of internet marketing advice online that is just plain BAD. You will hear people talk about buying email lists, article submitter software, or even using bulk classified ads software (that doesn't include Craigslist). The bottom line if that if you can stay clear of these bad teachings, you will give yourself a good chance at earning the money that you're looking for in your online business.
You will hear people say that they stick to 1 marketing strategy - and 1 strategy alone. This is bad advice. What will you do when the 1 strategy goes bad on you, and you have no other way to promote yourself online? This is what a lot of people experienced with pay per click advertising a few years ago.
They would go to a site called "Clickbank" and find affiliate products there. Then they would insert their affiliate link into Google AdWords and start making tons of dough online. But soon, AdWords cracked down on this practice, and many people saw their incomes disappear... immediately.
There were people making $10,000 a month from this strategy, then one day they just woke up and their incomes were gone. So never rely on just 1 strategy to make you money. Always diversify your efforts so that you can get traffic from more than just one source. Catch my drift?
Another thing that I want to talk about is spamming. It's not good to spam. It's NEVER good to spam. Spamming can get you banned from the internet, and can get you into a lot of trouble. If you want to do email marketing, do it the correct way. Start from scratch, get an email autoresponder, set up a squeeze page, and start driving traffic to the squeeze page. Then get new subscribers and you will be good to go this way.
I personally hate spam, and if you're like me, you hate it too. This is not a great way to market your website, and your emails will more than likely end up in your recipients' bulk folder... which no body checks. Do things the old fashioned way and you will be good to go.
Now... another BIG THING that you don't want to do when marketing online is to fake the testimonials. You can get into a lot of trouble this way, and you're better off by just creating the most effective and high quality product ever made to compensate for your lack of testimonials.
Now if you need testimonials for your book, there are a number of ways to go about getting them. You can send out review copies. You can simply sell them and get feedback from your customers. Or you can offer it for free (at first), and the get feedback on what your prospects thought about your product.
These options are much better than faking the testimonials. Sure it may take some time to get testimonials for your product, but this is much better than the alternative. Don't do it... you may find yourself in hot water.
Take these tips of what NOT to do in internet marketing and apply starting now.
Good luck with marketing your business on the internet today.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regardedonline marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here: Internet Marketing Secrets
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