Sunday, 27 January 2013

Main Reasons Why An Online Business Plan Fails

In this article I will look at the main reasons why a business plan fails. First of all let me start off by saying that many people starting a business online don't even bother to write themselves a business plan! How can you possibly know where you are heading without one? Whether you have a business online or offline you still need a business plan.
Your short, medium and long term objectivesIdeas For Your Online Business Plan
  • Setting goals with time frames
  • What you need to do
  • The steps you need to take
  • Resources you will need
  • Training you might need to take
  • Your start up budget
  • Your financial goal
The above list is not in any particular order. I could probably add to this but these are the main factors to think about when writing your plan.
So why do many business plans fail?
Lack Of Action
You can write a plan but if you don't actually get down to putting it into action it will never be achieved. Not only that but your plan should be an ongoing one so your action needs to be consistent.
Many people begin really well and then when things start getting tough they lose interest or drive and then stop taking the action they did at first.
You need consistent action in order to make your plan come alive.
Lack Of Focus
This is a big one for online businesses. There are so many distractions online and it is easy to think that you are doing something that will help your business plan when in fact you are just surfing the internet with no particular purpose at all!
You need to have focus. You need a plan of action to help you to maintain your focus and you need to be determined to implement it.
Lack Of Desire
Think back to the time when you really needed something so badly that you went out of your way to get it. Your desire was strong. You were determined to succeed. This is the same drive you need in order for your business plan to succeed too.
If you really have the desire to achieve your goals you will make the time to take the action you need to take and you will already be focused to see it through.
So think about your own online business plan. If you don't have one then write one down. Once you have your plan make sure that your desire for success is based on something that really motivates you.
A desire based on making money will not actually motivate you to take action. A desire based on giving to others is far more likely to help you have a successful online business plan.
By the way do you want to learn more about how to build a successful online business? If so download my brand new 8 step training program for free "Quick Start Your Online Business": Free 8 Step Training Course
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