In this article I am going to talk about three quick and easy ways that you can use to create information products to sell online. Selling information products online is a great way to build an online business. Often people assume that the product to create needs to be in a written format such as an ebook and of course that takes a long time and can be off putting!
Well there are other much easier and quicker ways to create information products. In this article I shall share three of these methods with you.
The first method is using voice to text software.
Most computers or laptops come with free voice recognition software. This means that you can speak out loud and your computer will turn your speech into written text!
Talking is much quicker than typing for most people so this is a great way to create an information product. You will need to speak clearly and edit the text as you go along but it will still be a much quicker way to create an ebook.
The more you use your voice recognition software the more it automatically gets used to your voice and therefore the quality of the text produced becomes better each time.
The second method is interview an expert.
Find out if someone in your niche will be willing for you to interview them. You can then record the interview and sell this as an information product.
Let the person know beforehand what questions you will ask and that you intend to use the interview as a product to sell.
It will be free marketing for the person you are interviewing so of benefit to them as well!
The third method is to create an audio training session.
Instead of using voice recognition software to turn your speech to text you can just create an audio product. You can use free software to record you talking and then upload it as an mp3 file.
This is great for producing training information products as it is like teaching to a live audience except that you can do this in the comfort of your own home!
If you put these three ideas into practise then you will see that product creation is something that you can do and it needn't take you a lot of time.
You can easily start creating your own information products every month if you commit to setting aside the time to do so.
By the way do you want to learn more about how to build a successful online business? If so download my brand new free 8 step training manual "Quick Start Your Online Business": Free 8 Step Training Course
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