Thursday, 31 January 2013

Tips for Recognizing Exactly What It Is Your Customer Wants

In this article I shall look at how to know exactly what your customer wants. If you are able to provide and deliver products and services that meet the needs of your customers your sales conversion rate will go up and you will gain more respect and trust which in the long term will boost your reputation in that niche.
Here are some tips on how to determine exactly want your customer wants.
1. Using Relevant Forums
In order to know what product to create to begin with you need to find out what your target market actually want. An easy way to do this is to visit relevant forums online.
Find out what questions are being asked. What are the things that this group of people are discussing? Can you create a product to solve these problems?
This will be your first product and it will be exactly what these people are wanting.
2. Social Media
Another great way to find out what your target market wants is to use social media.
People tend to be more open and honest when chatting on social media sites. A huge amount of information can be gained by joining relevant social media groups and finding out what people are discussing and finding difficult to achieve in that niche.
Make a list of all the questions and issues people write about and use that to create a product that solves it.
3. Customer Feedback After Purchase
Once someone has purchased your product you can ask for customer feedback about the product. Things they found difficult in implementing what they wanted to do. This will then give you ideas on what other products you can create that will solve these difficulties.
4. General Asking
Once you have subscribers on your email list you can ask them what kind of help they are looking for. What their struggles are, their goals and challenges. This will give you plenty of product ideas that will help your subscribers to move forward.
You can ask your subscribers directly in an email or you could do a survey or poll to find out what needs your customers have.
Asking your customers for feedback after they purchase from you and finding out what they are still needing help with should be an ongoing process and part of your business plan.
If your customers see that you are taking action and providing them with what they want and need then you will build a loyal customer base who will purchase from you again and again.
By the way do you want to learn more about how to build a successful online business? If so download my brand new 8 step training program for free "Quick Start Your Online Business" : Free 8 Step Training Course
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Sunday, 27 January 2013

Main Reasons Why An Online Business Plan Fails

In this article I will look at the main reasons why a business plan fails. First of all let me start off by saying that many people starting a business online don't even bother to write themselves a business plan! How can you possibly know where you are heading without one? Whether you have a business online or offline you still need a business plan.
Your short, medium and long term objectivesIdeas For Your Online Business Plan
  • Setting goals with time frames
  • What you need to do
  • The steps you need to take
  • Resources you will need
  • Training you might need to take
  • Your start up budget
  • Your financial goal
The above list is not in any particular order. I could probably add to this but these are the main factors to think about when writing your plan.
So why do many business plans fail?
Lack Of Action
You can write a plan but if you don't actually get down to putting it into action it will never be achieved. Not only that but your plan should be an ongoing one so your action needs to be consistent.
Many people begin really well and then when things start getting tough they lose interest or drive and then stop taking the action they did at first.
You need consistent action in order to make your plan come alive.
Lack Of Focus
This is a big one for online businesses. There are so many distractions online and it is easy to think that you are doing something that will help your business plan when in fact you are just surfing the internet with no particular purpose at all!
You need to have focus. You need a plan of action to help you to maintain your focus and you need to be determined to implement it.
Lack Of Desire
Think back to the time when you really needed something so badly that you went out of your way to get it. Your desire was strong. You were determined to succeed. This is the same drive you need in order for your business plan to succeed too.
If you really have the desire to achieve your goals you will make the time to take the action you need to take and you will already be focused to see it through.
So think about your own online business plan. If you don't have one then write one down. Once you have your plan make sure that your desire for success is based on something that really motivates you.
A desire based on making money will not actually motivate you to take action. A desire based on giving to others is far more likely to help you have a successful online business plan.
By the way do you want to learn more about how to build a successful online business? If so download my brand new 8 step training program for free "Quick Start Your Online Business": Free 8 Step Training Course
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Friday, 25 January 2013

Effective Guest Posting Tips

In this article I am going to talk about the benefits of using guest posting to drive traffic to your website or offer.
The reason why you would post your own content on someones else's website is to leverage the traffic that particular website already has.
If you post an article on a blog or site that is in the same niche as you, your audience is already a targeted one. They already have an interest in the content of your article and therefore they are likely to be interested in visiting your own website or taking you up on any offer you might mention in your article.
When you write a guest post you are able to add a resource box at the end of your post. Since your article will be read by a targeted audience it is an ideal opportunity for generating traffic or building your list as readers can click on the link in your resource box - provided it is relevant to the article you have written!
Here are 4 tips that will help you to get the most out of your guest posts.
1. Good Quality & Relevant Content.
Your article should be well written and provide valuable information to the readers of the blog. This is important for you and also for the blog owner. If your content doesn't match the readers interest then your article will most likely be rejected. Make sure that the content is relevant to the readers of this blog and is in your own niche.
2. Maximum Traffic.
Since you are using guest posting to gain traffic to your own site or offer you need to make sure that the blog you post on has lots of traffic. The more traffic this blog has the more targeted people will read your article and the more traffic you will generate!
3. Resource Box
Give readers a reason to click on your link in your resource box. Make sure that what you offer here is consistent with the article you have written.
4. Build Your List
If your primary objective is to add subscribers to your list then use guest posting with a link to a squeeze page rather than to your website. Offer readers a free gift as an incentive to join your list.
If your guest posts provide value and are well-written, they will also serve to increase your online visibility and help your reputation as an expert and authority in your niche.
By the way do you want to learn more about how to generate traffic and build a successful online business? If so download my brand new free 8 step training program "Quick Start Your Online Business": Free 8 Step Training Course
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Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Easy Ways to Create Information Products

In this article I am going to talk about three quick and easy ways that you can use to create information products to sell online. Selling information products online is a great way to build an online business. Often people assume that the product to create needs to be in a written format such as an ebook and of course that takes a long time and can be off putting!
Well there are other much easier and quicker ways to create information products. In this article I shall share three of these methods with you.
The first method is using voice to text software.
Most computers or laptops come with free voice recognition software. This means that you can speak out loud and your computer will turn your speech into written text!
Talking is much quicker than typing for most people so this is a great way to create an information product. You will need to speak clearly and edit the text as you go along but it will still be a much quicker way to create an ebook.
The more you use your voice recognition software the more it automatically gets used to your voice and therefore the quality of the text produced becomes better each time.
The second method is interview an expert.
Find out if someone in your niche will be willing for you to interview them. You can then record the interview and sell this as an information product.
Let the person know beforehand what questions you will ask and that you intend to use the interview as a product to sell.
It will be free marketing for the person you are interviewing so of benefit to them as well!
The third method is to create an audio training session.
Instead of using voice recognition software to turn your speech to text you can just create an audio product. You can use free software to record you talking and then upload it as an mp3 file.
This is great for producing training information products as it is like teaching to a live audience except that you can do this in the comfort of your own home!
If you put these three ideas into practise then you will see that product creation is something that you can do and it needn't take you a lot of time.
You can easily start creating your own information products every month if you commit to setting aside the time to do so.
By the way do you want to learn more about how to build a successful online business? If so download my brand new free 8 step training manual "Quick Start Your Online Business": Free 8 Step Training Course
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Sunday, 20 January 2013

Internet Marketing: What Are The Advantages?

Have you ever wondered why there are so many people starting an online business in Internet Marketing? What makes it so appealing? What are the advantages?
In this article we shall look at the advantages at having an Internet Marketing business and in particular one producing digital products rather than physical products.
1. Low startup costs
So what do you actually need to start an Internet business? Basically just a computer or laptop and a broadband Internet connection. That's it! Therefore the costs to start an Internet business are very low and probably you already have those things anyway! In this case there would be no startup costs!
2. Work at home
There are also no overhead costs. All you need is a room at home with internet access! This can be anywhere in your home. It could even be in the local coffee shop!
3. No physical stock
With a digital Internet business that is providing just digital products such as ebooks, audios and videos, you don't need any physical stock. Provided you have plenty of memory storage on your laptop and better still on a portable hard drive to keep it extra safe.
4. 24/7 Access
When you have an Internet business, you are able to reach a worldwide customer base. Not only that but you can also be making sales 24/7! This is actually a huge benefit and creates the potential for making big revenue.
5. Easy payments
All your payment transactions can be automated and set up very easily and securely.
6. Customer contact
It is very easy to keep in contact with all of your customers without it taking up a lot of your time. Providing your customers fill an opt-in form after their purchase, you will be able to keep in contact via email. This means you can build up a good solid relationship with them so that they are more likely to purchase further products from you.
7. Scalable
It is very easy to scale up your business by producing more digital products and also by easily creating higher priced products such as coaching and membership.
In addition you will never run out of stock, so it doesn't matter how many people are demanding your products - you can always supply them!
If you are an organised person, creative and prepared to take consistent action then an internet marketing business is ideal.
By the way do you want to learn more about how to build a successful online business?
If so, download my brand new free guide here: How To Succeed Online
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Friday, 18 January 2013

Methods To Improve Your Google AdSense Income

There are many ways to earn money with Google AdSense online. Some people place content on their site and drive traffic there. Some people join a website like "HubPages" and join in on the revenue sharing. And some people like to join the website "Squidoo" to do the same thing. No matter which venue you choose, AdSense can be very profitable for you.
But Google AdSense isn't the answer to all your prayers. The bottom line is that if you want commissions, and you want it quickly and easily, you will have to drive lots of traffic to your website. Traffic is relatively easy to come by - even if you aren't paying for it.
Now there are some companies online who do advertise for their site, that is primarily earning money with Google AdSense. Their angle is to generate leads for their site, and then feed them with endless amounts of good content that is available on their website. Their prospects go to the website, look around, read the content, and occasionally click on links.
You can do this too, or you can simply lead people to your blog or site, and hope that they subscribe to your email newsletter. But I like to encourage visitors to opt-in to my email newsletter so that I can follow up on them, get the best conversion rates as possible, and to build my audience and keep them on my list.
The saying is true, even in a Google AdSense business... "The money is in the list". This is absolutely true. In fact, if you want to sell anything effectively online, email marketing is a great way to do it and get it done. But you can simply lead people to your site or blog, and some will click on your ads this way too.
From all of the testing that I've done, I've found that the best places to place your Google AdSense ads are on the top of the page, at the top left of the page, and somewhere buried within the text of your content, and then of course... a banner at the end of the article. These places work well because they all fall within the natural eye movement.
You read from left to right, not right to left. So if visitors see your AdSense ad first, they may be more inclined to click on it... whether if they found it curiously intriguing, or simply because they thought the ad was a link that lead to somewhere else on your blog or site.
Make sure you learn how to drive traffic to your site or blog. This is very important. I personally like to do paid advertising, but when I first started out, I didn't have much money, so I had to start off with free marketing. And it worked beautifully for me. And I still do it till this day.
Consider techniques such as article marketing, blogging, SEO, YouTube, email marketing, press releases, and even social marketing. All of these strategies can bring you the traffic you need to make your site a success - and to make your Google AdSense income increase. Hopefully you'll use them today.
Good luck with earning money with Google AdSense.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here: Internet Marketing Secrets
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Wednesday, 16 January 2013

2 Tips For Earning Nice Money In The Google AdSense Business

To make money in the Google AdSense Business, you should know that some strategic planning is very important. You can't just wake up one day and decide that you want to go online and start making money with AdSense without a site, without a niche, and without any experience.
If you're desperate for money, find a DIFFERENT job. I know you're probably at a job that you hate, but for the sake of your online business, get a different job that is easy to do, light on the workload, and that pays you good enough to start running some ads and some leads for your business.
In this lesson, I want to share with you some of the things that you could be doing to earn money with Google AdSense today. I assure you that this process is very easy, and you could be up and running and implementing these tactics today. In fact, here's the first tip for earning good money with Google AdSense:
1) Operate against very few competitors
The best way to do this is to operate in a niche market. This goes back to marketing 101. The less competition you have, the more likely you are to become famous in this niche, and people will repeatedly visit your site over and over again for more information. The more content you put up, the more people will come back to your site.
Sometimes, your competitors won't even know you exist in the marketplace. If you were to build an affiliate program and had people promoting your site for you, then the buzz would be going around in your niche, and people will start to know who you are in the niche. This will inspire a lot of copycats, and will inspire a lot of people who will try and run the same kind of ads that you running... copying site design and everything.
However, even if this happens, you may get around maybe 3 to 4 new competitors - which is nothing. You will still profit immensely, and you will still have room in your niche to make a lot of money. It's just the nature of niche marketing. Here's another tip for having success with Google AdSense.
2) Build an email list
With an email list, you can get repeat visitors to your blog or site quickly and easily. You should always be striving to build up a nice list so that you can market to them over and over again, and therefore increase the chances of them visiting your site and clicking on some of the ads that you have.
You will need to build a list. Sure new visitors are fine, but they aren't the bread and butter of your business - your subscribers are. When you hear people say that they get 1,000 hits per day to their blog... a good percentage of that is around 40 to 50%. I'm speaking from experience here.
With these 2 tips for blogging and Google AdSense, it's very easy to get started online, and it's very easy to start earning the clicks in your business that you are looking for. These tips are evergreen, and will work far into the future also.
Good luck with using these 2 tips to make more money with Google AdSense.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here: Internet Marketing Secrets
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Monday, 14 January 2013

Article And Video Marketing For More Google AdSense Commissions

There are a lot of reasons many people online tend to quit and give up with Google AdSense. Most of the time it's because of a lack of marketing plan that they can use to get them the profits that they are looking for. But you should know that you shouldn't give up so easily if you want to make a major impact online.
Sometimes things come slow, especially if you're dealing with some marketing strategies that are for long term growth. But immediate traffic methods like paid advertising can work in your favor - especially if you're testing the layout on a site that you are looking to monetize.
Sometimes that instant traffic can be a good thing, because it lets you know what works, and what doesn't. If you have multiple page styles that you would like to try out and see which one works the best - before you go LIVE with your all out free marketing campaign... then use a paid advertising source like pay per click advertising. Mainly, Google AdWords.
So do you know how to get traffic to your site to make more money with AdSense? If not, then I would like to briefly let you know some techniques and strategies for bringing lots of prospects to your site. These are all free methods, so you won't have to spend any money. Here's the first way to drive traffic to your Google AdSense site easily:
1) Article marketing
Even though article marketing isn't as popular as it used to be a few years ago, it's still an effective strategy. The thing about it thought is that, if you want to make a major impact in your online business by using free marketing, you will have to wrote A LOT of articles. I'm talking 2000 to 4000 articles - minimum. After you've written them all, submit to the top article directories online, and start receiving traffic.
I do this everyday, it's one of my favorite hobbies, and I don't get bored with it. And when you see the sales and profits come in from article marketing, you won't get bored with it either. Article marketing is still effective, and I still use it till this day like a champ. Here's another strategy for driving traffic to your AdSense focused site:
2) Video marketing
Even though YouTube is the "King" of video marketing, there are still other good sites out there. There's Metacafe, Viddler, and much more others. But YouTube takes the cake. It's the third ranked website on the internet in terms of website traffic, and you can benefit greatly from it.
In each of your videos, make sure you have a URL to your website at the bottom of the video. And preferably, make sure that you drive them to a squeeze page so that you can capture the lead, and follow up on them and lead them back to your site or blog every few times per week.
The more recurring traffic you get like this, the more recurring clicks you're going to get from your AdSense ads. This is real easy, and it's something that you should implement today.
Take these 2 tips and use them to get promotion to your website today.
Good luck with earning money with Google AdSense.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here: Internet Marketing Secrets
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Saturday, 12 January 2013

Top Tips For Earning Money With Google AdSense

Earning money with Google AdSense is an enigma that a lot of beginners find challenging. They would work on their site for a few hours per day and then check their AdSense income day after day, and the balance still remains on "$0.00". Then one day, they check their AdSense balance, and it says "$1.00".
This makes newbies do the happy dance. They jump for joy and can't believe their eyes. They are then inclined to do more marketing so that they can get more results, but the amount of marketing that they do isn't enough to dramatically improve their $1 into $10 a day. They think that they can just do a little bit of free marketing, and then that would be the end of it. Unfortunately however, this isn't true.
You need to do a lot of things everyday if you're planning on doing free marketing. It should line up in the perfect order of your daily tasks. One of those tasks should be writing everyday. Writing everyday will give you more content, will help to get you found in the search engines, and will make the AdSense ads that appear on your site more relevant to your audience.
Writing everyday isn't hard. Start slow, then work your way up. If you can write 1 article per day, that's a VERY good start. Some people write 1 article every 2 weeks, and wonder why their article marketing efforts aren't effective. You have to continually write everyday. It's content, and content is king online.
If you ever run out of things to write about, see if you can get your hands on some article writing templates. These are templates that help you to inspire more article ideas without you creating (virtually) duplicate content on your website.
With the right article templates, you can quickly and easily come up with a good article, and then use another template to write another good article. And then when you're done, submit them to the article directories.
This method can bring you hundreds of hits to your website - but you have to write a lot. I personally think that article marketing is better than "search engine optimization", because the protocols and rules of search engines may change on you at anytime. Which means that one day you could be on page 1 of a particular search term. And then 4 days later... you discover that your same ranking has been replaced, and now you are on page 3 of search results. It's really unstable.
Making money with Google AdSense can be simplified, but only if you're willing to put in the work that's necessary to make it succeed. Traffic is one of the main things that you should be focused on, and after that, you can do things with your website to help you monetize it even more. Google AdSense is a great start once you have the traffic, and it can bring you endless results for a very long time.
Be sure to take these tips and use them in your online business today. AdSense is a great program and if you're looking for a way to monetize your site without creating any products or experiencing any refunds, then it's a great route to go on. Try it out and see how good it works for you.
Good luck with making money with Google AdSense.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regardedonline marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here: Internet Marketing Secrets
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Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Not Relying On One Internet Marketing Strategy

When marketing online, using more than just 1 marketing strategy is a great idea. The more marketing techniques you can use in your business, the better. Why? Because at any moment, your 1 main source of traffic could disappear on you go become ineffective overnight.
All it takes is one search engine algorithm change to throw your search engine marketing efforts down the drain. So diversify your traffic sources - it's the best thing that you can do for your business. I made this mistake a long time ago and I've learned my lesson big time from it.
I used to advertise heavy with pay per click advertising (PPC), but once I wasn't getting any sales and my advertising funds ran out... so did my business. I didn't know any other way to market myself online, so I had to wait until I got paid again at my job to start running some ads again.
Nowadays I do more free marketing than I do paid advertising. I do this because I don't want to fall into the trap where once my money runs out, so does my source of income. I don't want to end up on the street because I'm not making enough money to support myself. Catch my drift?
And this applies to any kind of promotion online. A few years ago some search engine algorithm changes affected the traffic strategy of "article marketing". Many marketers was using this as their only source of marketing, but when the changes came into play - a lot of people lost their businesses because the traffic that they used to get was there anymore.
Don't let this happen to you. If you're a beginner, invest into some smart advertising. If you can join a forum and advertise on the forum for a whole year - at a low price... do it. If you're going to do pay per click advertising, make sure you can get targeted clicks at a very low cost (10 to 20 cents a click), and make sure that these clicks are converting into leads or sales for you.
Also, learn how to market your website on the internet for free. This is one of the best skills that you can develop. There are many people online earning 6-figure incomes just by using free marketing alone. So I'm confident that you can do the same thing also. Don't confine yourself to one strategy because the results are looking good.
See if you can advertise in other places online, and make sure that you're actually making money from these places online. Also, be sure to do some free marketing to get sales this way - and also to balance out the cost to acquire a customer when doing paid advertising. Free marketing works - you just have to do a lot of it.
Take these tips and use them in your internet business today. The more you do so, the more positive results you will see. I would know, because I've been down the path that you're currently on right now.
Good luck with marketing your website online.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regardedonline marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here: Internet Marketing Secrets
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Sunday, 6 January 2013

What You Should Never Do When Marketing Online

There are a lot of internet marketing advice online that is just plain BAD. You will hear people talk about buying email lists, article submitter software, or even using bulk classified ads software (that doesn't include Craigslist). The bottom line if that if you can stay clear of these bad teachings, you will give yourself a good chance at earning the money that you're looking for in your online business.
You will hear people say that they stick to 1 marketing strategy - and 1 strategy alone. This is bad advice. What will you do when the 1 strategy goes bad on you, and you have no other way to promote yourself online? This is what a lot of people experienced with pay per click advertising a few years ago.
They would go to a site called "Clickbank" and find affiliate products there. Then they would insert their affiliate link into Google AdWords and start making tons of dough online. But soon, AdWords cracked down on this practice, and many people saw their incomes disappear... immediately.
There were people making $10,000 a month from this strategy, then one day they just woke up and their incomes were gone. So never rely on just 1 strategy to make you money. Always diversify your efforts so that you can get traffic from more than just one source. Catch my drift?
Another thing that I want to talk about is spamming. It's not good to spam. It's NEVER good to spam. Spamming can get you banned from the internet, and can get you into a lot of trouble. If you want to do email marketing, do it the correct way. Start from scratch, get an email autoresponder, set up a squeeze page, and start driving traffic to the squeeze page. Then get new subscribers and you will be good to go this way.
I personally hate spam, and if you're like me, you hate it too. This is not a great way to market your website, and your emails will more than likely end up in your recipients' bulk folder... which no body checks. Do things the old fashioned way and you will be good to go.
Now... another BIG THING that you don't want to do when marketing online is to fake the testimonials. You can get into a lot of trouble this way, and you're better off by just creating the most effective and high quality product ever made to compensate for your lack of testimonials.
Now if you need testimonials for your book, there are a number of ways to go about getting them. You can send out review copies. You can simply sell them and get feedback from your customers. Or you can offer it for free (at first), and the get feedback on what your prospects thought about your product.
These options are much better than faking the testimonials. Sure it may take some time to get testimonials for your product, but this is much better than the alternative. Don't do it... you may find yourself in hot water.
Take these tips of what NOT to do in internet marketing and apply starting now.
Good luck with marketing your business on the internet today.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regardedonline marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here: Internet Marketing Secrets
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Friday, 4 January 2013

Newbie Tips - Benefits Of Online Marketing

Are you looking to do business online? If so, I think you're making a wise decision. You can get lots of sales for free online, and you don't need the huge financial investment that you would need with offline marketing. I used to think about owning a dollar store, but when I took a look at the price needed to invest into a dollar store, I immediately threw that idea out of the window.
And then, I tried my hand at real estate. And this was during a time where I had no credit, didn't know anything about fixing houses, hiring people, or paying a mortgage. Needless to say that didn't last long. And then I tried my hand at MLM. I was driving around trying to get people to sign up under me, held family seminars, attended conferences, and etc. Overall, I must have lost around $5,000 on all of these things.
But now, I'm in an online business that surpasses all of these things. Even offline marketing gurus who hated online marketing are now praising online marketing for the benefits that they have. It's like when Einstein first heard of quantum mechanics, he thought it was weird and absurd, and couldn't be true. But years of testing the theory proved that Einstein was wrong.
My point is that if you want to start an online business, then now is the perfect time to do so. There are so many benefits of having an online business, which (in my opinion) trumps offline marketing. In fact, I want to get started on why you should do online marketing. Here's the first reason:
1) You can get traffic easily
Traffic generation is a simple concept. You can use paid advertising and get traffic to your site quickly and easily. This is something that a lot of people do when they first get started online, but many of them end up spending all of their funds and don't end up getting any sales whatsoever.
I think you should test and take things one strategy at a time. Traffic is indeed easy, but don't just go out and get "hits". Anybody can get "hits" for free. I can show you how to get 100 "hits" to your website for free without any hassle, marketing, or advertising whatsoever. Traffic is important, but it's more important that it's targeted traffic. Here's another reason you should do online marketing:
2) Ease of automation
This is the lovely part of internet marketing. You can automate just about every aspect of your business - and it doesn't matter if you sell physical products! One of my favorite automation tools is the email autoresponder. An autoresponder is simply an email program that automatically sends out timely (and helpful) emails to the people who subscribe to your list.
You can literally earn thousands of dollars a month simply by doing list building and email marketing. Automation is something that you will want to do if you want to have massive success online - plus it will free up your time so that you can go and play golf when you want.
Good luck with using these 2 reasons to get started with online marketing today.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here: Internet Marketing Secrets
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2 Key Reasons To Market Your Business Online Today

Do you wish that one day you could become rich? Most people do, and most people try a whole slew of things to make this dream come true. But I'm here to tell you that if you want to really make this dream a reality... you will need to start a business. And preferably during these hard economic times - you should start an online business.
An online business is something that a lot of people dread because they hear about the failure rate of those who start a business online. But the bottom line is that there's nothing to be fearful about. An online business is something that you should do, because starting an offline business will incur a lot money, time, and employee expenses that I'm confident that you don't want to share.
In this lesson today, I want to reveal to you some key reasons why you need to start your own online business. These reasons are sound and are things that you need to take into consideration the next time you consider starting a business to achieve your goals of being financially independent. Here's the first reason you need your own online business:
1) Cost to get set up is low
It's very cheap to start an online business. In the case of "affiliate marketing", all you need is a website and an autoresponder to start making money online. I won't go into all of the details about how to make affiliate marketing work, but you should know that it's a very lucrative proposition if you choose to get started in it.
But aside from affiliate marketing, the cost to start your own online business is still very cheap. Let's take a look at eBay. If you want to get experience of selling online, eBay is a great place to start. This is a marketplace that gets over 1 million people visiting - looking to BUY something. You can't beat those numbers. You will learn how to run a business, how to get sales, and how to make money online simply and easily. Here's another reason:
2) Customer acquisition is easy
I can remember when I used to do offline marketing, I would invest money into a publication and it would never produce for me. I remember that I advertised in a chiropractor magazine in the classified ads section, and I only got 2 leads for the entire month. When I started out online in college, I got 2 sales within the first 2 weeks!
So getting customers is very easy. It doesn't matter what your price is. If you can drive traffic to a squeeze page and get them to opt-in to your email newsletter... it's pretty much a done deal. You conversion rates will vary depending on your niche, but this is the most effective way to get sales online.
These 2 reasons as to why you should start an online business are things that you should seriously consider. With these 2 reasons, it should be clear that starting an online business is something that is easy, and simple to do.
Good luck with starting your own online business today.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regardedonline marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here: Internet Marketing Secrets
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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

List Building And Traffic As A Internet Marketing Strategy

On the internet, you need to market yourself and your site in a way that gets you as much customers as possible. The bottom line is that if you can't turn leads into sales, you may have to revamp your whole operation, or simply go into a different niche altogether. This is something that doesn't have to be hard to do.
Sure you will need dedication and perseverance, but you will also need an effective marketing strategy if you want to get the sales in your business that you truly desire. Don't be confused by the ineffective strategies that you've been told that would take your business to the next level. Only follow proven techniques that will allow you to profit more.
In this lesson, I want to share with you some tips that you can use to make money, be more efficient, and to automate your business so that you can spend more time with your friends and family. Let's get started. Here's the first internet marketing strategy that you need to use to have success with online business:
1) Do list building
A lot of your customers will come as a result of you building an email list. With an email list, you can follow up on your leads over and over again until they buy. And it will be a great likelihood of them buying if you market yourself in this way. This is considered the bread and butter of making money online.
A marketing guru said once, "If you don't have a list, you don't have an internet business." I've tried marketing without an email list, and my results were terrible. The minute I started doing email marketing... I got 2 sales within the first 2 weeks of doing business online. And this was only with a list of just 60 people. I saw the power of list building, and I've never looked back. Here's another strategy for having success online:
2) Getting traffic
Traffic is important. There's a famous equation online that has to deal with having success online. And it goes like this:
Traffic + Conversion = Sales
This seems pretty simple right? But how do you generate the traffic? Well, one good place to start off with is with pay per click advertising (PPC). Google AdWords and Bing Ads are the only 2 PPC search engines that I recommend dealing with, because AdWords is owned by Google, and Bing Ads is owned by Bing and Yahoo.
If this isn't your style of advertising, you could always do some free marketing. There are people online who make thousands per month by simply doing free marketing. One particular strategy that I'm talking about is search engine marketing. These people use Google to get a lot of traffic and sales.
Traffic is important, and list building is important also. When you combine the two, you can get nothing except good results. I highly suggest that you start using them today if you want to have the success that you're looking for in your online business.
Good luck with promoting your online business today.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here: Internet Marketing Secrets
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