Sunday, 9 March 2014

Is A Video Sales Letter Different From A Traditional One?

In this article I am going to discuss whether a video sales letter should be created in the same way as you would a traditional written sales page. Do the usual copy writing rules apply?
In a traditional sales letter we tend to focus primarily on the benefits that people will see after they purchase and implement an information product. We are told that people buy based on the benefits that they are going to get and the results that they will see rather than the actual features of your product.
However, when it comes to creating a video sales letter do these rules still apply or do we need to change the way that we focus on the product when we do a video?
What I want to do is to go through a scenario if you like, so that you understand when I later reveal how you should create a video sales letter.
If you think about the purpose of a video it is to show or to demonstrate something to someone else. Can you demonstrate benefits or results that someone watching will be able to relate to?
Or is it easier to actually show the features of a product on a video?
If you are selling a piece of software then the best type of sales letter to create would be a video sales letter because you would be able to show exactly what the features were of the software and how to actually use it.
Therefore if we think about an information product what would be the purpose of a video? What would you be able to show people about your information product?
When you think about it in this way it becomes clear that a video sales letter needs to be different from the traditional copy writing one. It needs to have a different focus, one that is actually based on people seeing your product.
With an information product the purpose of a video sales letter is to draw people in to engage them enough so that they then become qualified to read the rest of your sales copy.
One of the disadvantages about purchasing a digital product is that you don't know what is going to look like and what you will end up with when you download it.
Creating a sales video that actually shows the product - the pages that people will receive, the download page itself or a quick look at the videos - all of those things are features but they give your information product a tangible feel and therefore draw people in.
Once someone knows exactly what they are going to get when they download your products then if they are interested and it looks good then they will be qualified to read the rest of your sales letter where you go into more detail about the benefits and results from purchasing your product.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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