In this article I am going to help you to discover your own unique selling point. If you don't have a specific compelling reason for why people should do business with you rather than your competition then you will find it extremely difficult to compete and win customers.
These are the kind of questions you need to ask yourself:
What are the benefits you offer?
Think about the products or services that you offer customers. What are the benefit that you provide? It can be helpful to use the word why until you can narrow it down to real benefit's.
So for example, suppose you offer a training program on how to do market research. First of all such as yourself why someone would need to purchase your training program, what specific need you fulfilling?
Now ask yourself why your specific training program will help those people. Every time you come up with an answer ask yourself in another why question about that answer. If you keep doing this you will eventually come down to some very specific benefit that are likely to be unique to your training program.
What is different about you?
When you create your own products it is much easier for you to work out what is different about the way your product is put together compared to other people. You know what your level of understanding is, what experience you have and how your customers will benefit from that.
Think about your skills and qualifications and how you can relate that to the products that you create and how that might give you a competitive edge.
Why NOT Your Competitor?
It can also be helpful to think of it the other way round and rather sit and think about the benefit that you provide look at your competition and think about the gaps and why people should not do business with them. Looking at it this way round can sometimes create a real light bulb moment where you discover a huge gap that you can easily fill.
Character Traits
sometimes having a look at your own personal character traits can be an important way to differentiate yourself. This is particularly true if you provide audio training or coaching programs.
Here are some traits that you might possess and be able to use for your advantage:
Friendly, dynamic, hype, realistic, down to earth, artistic, fast, detailed, etc.,
Once you have discovered your unique selling position remember to fulfil it in every aspect of your business.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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