Monday, 24 March 2014

Features and Benefits - What Is the Difference?

In this article I am going to discuss what the differences between features and benefit. The reason is because often it can be confusing and difficult to differentiate between the two. However, when it comes to writing your sales campaign you really need to understand the difference.
When someone buys something there is always some kind of emotional pull towards them needing something or it might be the opposite it might be that the emotional trigger is actually to get away from something. The emotional pull has something to do with the benefit that a product offers rather than the features it might have.
For example, let's think of a very flashy car. Now this, may be full of really lovely features but someone won't buy because of the features in themselves they will purchase that car because having those features will make them feel good about themselves or it might make them more attractive to someone else.
Therefore in this example although the features might be really great the reason why someone buys a car like this is because of the benefit it might give to them in terms of their confidence levels and their relationship or potential relationship with others. So let's take a look at each in turn.
A feature is something about the product or a characteristics of it. This could be its physical appearance if you are talking about a physical product. If it is a digital product then it might be the number of pages, the length of a video training program, the eye-catching graphics etc. These are features and although attractive in themselves they don't give someone a real reason why they should purchase it.
Benefits on the other hand provide some kind of value to the customer. People buy because of the benefit to them not because it looks nice. Benefits trigger an emotional response that either brings someone towards what they want or away from what they don't
If you genuinely want to help people then you must focus on the benefits your products will give to your customer and the kind of results that those benefits will enable them to achieve.
Sometimes people want features and this is especially true when it comes to gadgets and items that aren't actually necessary but it still gives a benefit to the person buying - it makes them feel good!
With information products you are always providing a solution and therefore people want to understand the benefits that your solution provides.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
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