Sunday, 30 March 2014

Internet Marketing: The 2 Main Coaching Mistakes

In this article I am going to discuss two of the main mistakes that coaches often make in their business. People who coach others tend to be by nature helpful and giving. It is that trait that can cause a problem in their business.
Giving Too Much
When you spend a lot of time giving out to others it can be easy to forget that in order to give you also need to spend time receiving.
A really good way of understanding this is to use the analogy of a money bank. Suppose you have a bank account and it is full of money and you are able to give that money away freely to the people who need it. There will come a point at which the money runs out and you will need to top it back up.
If you don't top up your bank account with money then not only are you unable to give and share that with others you will also be unable to buy the necessary items that you need yourself.
Therefore by topping up your money bank you are able to provide for yourself and provide for others.
If we think of this in terms of giving out to others with coaching, then you can see that after a while there is no more to give unless you've topped yourself back up again.
Signs of needing to be topped up again might be feeling tired, irritable or overwhelmed. If you were feeling any of these emotions then it is time for you to make some effort to top up your own bank account. This might mean spending a day off and doing something that you enjoy or it might be taking time to relax and to totally switch off.
The reality is that unless you are topped up yourself then you won't be as effective at helping others. Therefore as a coach you need to make sure that you spend time for yourself as well is giving out to others.
Too Broad
Another mistake coaches make is trying to be all things to all people. When you really want to help other people it can be tempting to offer help in all areas of someone's business and personal life. Unfortunately this can lead to a perceived idea that you are a Jack of all trades, but a master of none.
Really make sure that you understand what your area of expertise is so that you stand out as being the expert for people to go to rather than offering too much and losing that competitive edge.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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Finding The Best Niche For You - Brainstorming

In this article I am going to discuss how you can discover what will be the best niche for your online business. This will be a brainstorming session and at the end you will know exactly what niche is going to be profitable and enjoyable for you.
About You
First of all ask yourself these kind of questions:
  • What problems can you solve?
  • What kind of topics do people ask you for help with?
  • What hobbies do you enjoy?
  • What specific skills do you have?
  • What would you enjoy helping others achieve?
Once you have a few ideas listed, have a look at each one in turn and decide which particular topics you feel most passionate about. Which areas do you think that you would enjoy working in every day?
If you don't enjoy your online business work then you will really struggle to be productive day in and day out.
About The Market
Now that you have a particular niche that you would find enjoyable to work on you need to make sure that it has the potential to be profitable. This means that there must be people who use the Internet and are looking for help in that particular niche.
The best way to discover if your chosen niche is profitable is to see if people are already spending money in that niche.
If people are writing books, creating training programs and spending money on advertising in that particular niche then you can be pretty sure that it is profitable.
Targeted Product Creation
The best way to make a sustainable income online is to create and produce your own information products in your chosen niche so this becomes the next step.
Ask yourself these questions:
  • What help are people looking for in this niche?
  • Who needs that help?
  • Where will you find them online?
  • What are they looking for?
  • In what format do they want that help in?
Try to be as specific as possible. The more targeted you can make your product offer the better the results you will get.
It is really worth taking the time and effort to go into these details because choosing a niche for your online business is not only about finding something that you will enjoy working on and have skills in, it is also about offering specific products or solutions that are highly relevant to people in that specific niche.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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Thursday, 27 March 2014

Do You Understand How Your Market Buys?

In this article I am going to discuss the various ways that people purchase something online. If you don't understand the reasons why your potential customers buy or why they buy then you won't be able to offer your own products it in a way that will entice them to buy!
When people buy things online they need some level of trust. It is more important online because there is no face to face contact with the person you are buying from.
Therefore trust must play a huge role in your marketing efforts. Building and developing relationships is key to being able to sell online.
However, there are also other important factors that you need to take into account when promoting your products online.
Here are some more criteria to look into:
Why would someone buy your product - what are they looking for? Are you providing the answer? If you are providing the solution to something then you should have a good idea of the ideal person who would be looking for that solution - the kinds of issues they are facing.
What Format?
What format does your ideal customers prefer to buy? Written? Video? The format that you choose for your product will be largely dependent on the type of information you are providing. For example, if you need to demonstrate something then you will probably create a video to show that.
However, if your ideal customers rarely buy written products and like to learn on the go then you would be better to create your products in audio format.
Where do they buy? What kinds of sites do they regularly purchase from? This might give you some idea of the type of website layout they like, or the colours that appeal to them.
Towards Or Away?
What compels them to buy? Do they buy because they want to go towards a goal or achievement or do they purchase because they want to remove or get away from a less desirable situation? Knowing this will help you to write your sales letter for higher conversion rates.
What Communication?
How do they like to communicate? Do they prefer Facebook? Are they extrovert, intellectual, open, reserved? What will appeal to them most?
Knowing these preferences on how your customers like to buy and communicate will enable to you create a business model that reflects those preferences.
However, it is also important to note that you need to create a business model that you also prefer.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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Are You Meeting the Needs of Your Target Market?

In this article I am going to discuss how to make sure that you are meeting the needs of your target market. If you are not making sales then it means that you haven't fully understood exactly what your customers are looking for.
When people buy information online they are generally looking for help with 3 things:
A way to save themselves some money. This might be learning to do something in the home themselves so that they don't need to pay someone else to do it! Or it could be learning how to save money when shopping.
Alternatively they might be looking for way to increase their wealth so that they can make more money.
Another important reason why people buy is to try to save themselves some time. Rather than spending hours upon hours hunting for information they would rather purchase a product that has everything they need to know all packaged up in place.
Or perhaps they want to learn how to do something more efficiently so that they don't have to spend so much time doing a particular task.
The third most common reason why someone buys information is to learn how to alleviate pain in some way. This might be physical pain or it might be the distress and pain experienced from a broken relationship for example.
By removing some pain they can then experience pleasure - so pain and pleasure is often closely related to the reason why someone buys information.
Think about your particular customers and what they are looking for? Does your product promise to give them the results they are looking for? Have you explained the benefits so that they know what your product will enable them to achieve?
If you can use some of the 3 reasons above in your sales page and communication with your customers then you will find that they become far more responsive.
Here are some more emotive reasons why people buy information:
  • save effort
  • gain resources
  • improve relationship
  • remove trouble
  • increase confidence and well being
  • peace of mind
  • gain skills
  • improve productivity
If you trace these ideas back to the root benefit you will probably discover that they all fall into the 3 categories of money, time and pain/pleasure. Therefore if you focus on these when promoting your product you will be almost guaranteed to hit a strong buying trigger.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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Monday, 24 March 2014

Features and Benefits - What Is the Difference?

In this article I am going to discuss what the differences between features and benefit. The reason is because often it can be confusing and difficult to differentiate between the two. However, when it comes to writing your sales campaign you really need to understand the difference.
When someone buys something there is always some kind of emotional pull towards them needing something or it might be the opposite it might be that the emotional trigger is actually to get away from something. The emotional pull has something to do with the benefit that a product offers rather than the features it might have.
For example, let's think of a very flashy car. Now this, may be full of really lovely features but someone won't buy because of the features in themselves they will purchase that car because having those features will make them feel good about themselves or it might make them more attractive to someone else.
Therefore in this example although the features might be really great the reason why someone buys a car like this is because of the benefit it might give to them in terms of their confidence levels and their relationship or potential relationship with others. So let's take a look at each in turn.
A feature is something about the product or a characteristics of it. This could be its physical appearance if you are talking about a physical product. If it is a digital product then it might be the number of pages, the length of a video training program, the eye-catching graphics etc. These are features and although attractive in themselves they don't give someone a real reason why they should purchase it.
Benefits on the other hand provide some kind of value to the customer. People buy because of the benefit to them not because it looks nice. Benefits trigger an emotional response that either brings someone towards what they want or away from what they don't
If you genuinely want to help people then you must focus on the benefits your products will give to your customer and the kind of results that those benefits will enable them to achieve.
Sometimes people want features and this is especially true when it comes to gadgets and items that aren't actually necessary but it still gives a benefit to the person buying - it makes them feel good!
With information products you are always providing a solution and therefore people want to understand the benefits that your solution provides.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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Tips On How To Do Effective Market Research

In this article I am going to give you some tips on the best way to go about doing your own market research. For an online business, market research is in fact one of the easiest tasks and yet many so called marketers don't bother - too much effort!
For an offline business market research can be an arduous task and require many resources. However, when you are using the internet to sell your product you can also use the internet to find out what your potential customers want.
The internet becomes your market research platform. Search engines have done most of the work for you! All you have to do is go in and use the information that is there to your advantage
Here are some tips on how to do just that:
Online Surveys & Polls
If you have a website then ask your visitors to take a survey or to add their response to a poll. People love to get involved and if you word your request in an exciting engaging way then you will find that people are happy to participate. Perhaps you could offer some form of incentive or create a competition out of taking part.
Your poll or survey must be worded carefully to ensure that you get the results you want - namely to find out what people need so that you can create it and offer it to them.
Existing customers
Your existing customers are one of the best sources for your market research. Create an email campaign for customers so that they are asked for feedback after so many days of buying your product. This can be set up to go out on autopilot if you are using an auto responder.
Using your competition for market research is also a valuable tool. Looking at what is already out there provides you with a ton of information such as what is popular, what customers like, what they don't like and what is missing from the market.
You should be able to come up with plenty of ideas for your own business and also a way that you can create your own unique selling point.
Focus groups & Forums
Search for focus groups and forums in your particular field of interest. You will find many people get involved in these sites because they love sharing their experiences and because they are passionate about a specific topic.
You will find beginners and those who are more advanced and this really helps you to have a broader picture of your potential market and how you can expand your business to cater for all levels.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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Sunday, 23 March 2014

Do You Need a Competitive Edge to Succeed Online?

In this article I am going to discuss whether you really do need a competitive edge in order to succeed online. Is it worth taking the time and effort to come up with your own competitive edge or could you do just as well without it?
The short answer is that no you don't need a competitive edge but without one you will find it harder and you will have to put more effort in to achieve the same level of results as someone else who does have a competitive edge.
An edge gives you a head start at the beginning. However, over time you will naturally develop your own competitive edge.
If you think about it, having a competitive edge is having a good reason why people should do business with you rather than your competition.
If you don't have a compelling reason and can't think of one then who is the best person to ask? Who will be able to tell you exactly why other people should do business with you?
Your customers!
Once you have some customers and people have purchased your products all you need to do is to ask them what for feedback.
  • What did they think about your product?
  • What did they particularly like about it?
  • Did they have any light bulb moments?
  • What did they specifically learn?
Asking those kind of questions enables you to find out exactly what people really enjoyed about your product and why your product will be able to stand out against your competition.
In reality not all of your customers will give you feedback so you will need to bear that in mind and keep working on building your customer base so that over time you will have enough feedback to analyse and come up with your own competitive edge.
Here are some aspects that you could use to differentiate yourself against your competition:
Integrity, easy to understand, listening to your customers, availability, customer satisfaction.
The thing that gives you your competitive edge are the aspects or traits about you and your products that are most important to your customers. It's not about fancy graphics or volumes of material that matter most. It will be the specific things that enabled them to get the results that they were looking for.
Those are the areas that you should use to differentiate yourself because those are what matter. When people buy from you they are never buying a product they are buying a promise of specific results and if you can give yourself a head start based on that then you will really stand out from the crowd.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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Online Business: Creating A Milestone Chart

In this article I am going to discuss why it is very helpful for you to create some kind of a milestone chart for your online business. I am going to describe exactly how you create one and why it is important.
Many Internet marketers have some form of journal or diary where they keep track of their progress and the goals that they are aiming for. This provides them with a good way of following their own progress and therefore helps to keep them motivated to continue and implement the tasks that they need to in order to achieve specific goals.
If you are able to display your goals and achievements in a chart that you can look at and see at a glance exactly where you stand then it becomes even more helpful. I prefer to see a chart rather than wade through my journal to find out how I'm doing.
Creating your milestone Chart
You will need to use a spreadsheet to design your chart. You could use OpenOffice or Word depending on which software you actually own or have on your computer.
Create 12 columns where each column represents a month in the year. This is for you to create a years milestone chart.
Now decide particular goals that you want to achieve during the year. So for example, suppose you want to create 4 products for your business in one year. Decide roughly how long it will take for you to create each product and for this example I shall suggest one month for each product.
So on your spreadsheet decide what colour you will use to represent product creation and highlight the months that will represent working on a product creation.
You might decide to spread this out during the year or if product creation is a real priority for you then you may want to work on product creation 4 months in a row.
Suppose you have another goal for the year in that you want to write 600 blog posts on your own blog. If you break this down it would require you to write 50 blog posts each month. Decide what colour you will use to represent writing your blog posts and add that to your chart.
If you are going to write 50 posts each month then the whole year will be highlighted with this colour. If you decided that you would instead write 100 blog posts every other month then you would highlight those particular months.
The idea with creating a chart like this is for you to see at a glance whether you are overloading your time and how to shuffle things around so that you can still achieve your goals for the year but in a more realistic time frame.
When you have finished creating your chart you will have quite a few rows with different coloured blocks added. As you go through the year you can see straight away what you need to be working on each month and after each month you can tick off your achievements very easily.
Another advantage of using a chart like this is if you fall behind for whatever reason you can immediately reorganise your schedule so that you remain on track for your years goal.
The opposite is also true. When there are gaps in your chart you can fill them in to achieve even more than you originally set out to do!
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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Thursday, 20 March 2014

Internet Marketing: Focusing In On What's Important

In this article I am going to discuss how to focus on what is important for your online business success. If you focus on too many things at one time you actually start to lose focus.
Target Market
If you try too many niches at once then you won't achieve results with any. Choose one niche and one market. Try to narrow down your niche and make it specific. When first starting out it is a good idea to choose a particular area of a niche and focus in on that. Over time you may begin to add other topics related to your niche as you become more competent at what to do.
Specific Needs
Remember that any business is in the business of meeting customer needs. One of the mistakes that people make is to think that they can meet every need. You can't be all things to all people.
So narrow down your focus to meet a specific need that you know your customers have. Then create a product that deals with that need and that need only.
If you go too broad then you actually need a lot more knowledge and at the start you may not have that level of expertise.
Also it is more difficult to market something broad compared to something specific!
Your Strengths
Write down what your strengths are and any things that you are good at. Those are the skills you need to use at first. Don't get carried away and start learning more and more before you actually need to learn it.
When you do this it becomes very easy to feel overwhelmed with the amount of learning that you need to do. Also when it comes to the time when you actually need to implement what you have learned, you will probably have to relearn it all over again anyway unless you are able to retain the information and bring it in mind easily.
When you focus in on your skills then look for opportunities to use them.
Your Time
Learning to focus means that you have to learn to say no and take control of your own time. Look at what you spend your time doing to make sure that you are focusing on the areas that will actually bring you closer to your goals.
If someone tries to distract you - whether by email, phone or otherwise - say no!
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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How To Discover Your Unique Selling Point

In this article I am going to help you to discover your own unique selling point. If you don't have a specific compelling reason for why people should do business with you rather than your competition then you will find it extremely difficult to compete and win customers.
These are the kind of questions you need to ask yourself:
What are the benefits you offer?
Think about the products or services that you offer customers. What are the benefit that you provide? It can be helpful to use the word why until you can narrow it down to real benefit's.
So for example, suppose you offer a training program on how to do market research. First of all such as yourself why someone would need to purchase your training program, what specific need you fulfilling?
Now ask yourself why your specific training program will help those people. Every time you come up with an answer ask yourself in another why question about that answer. If you keep doing this you will eventually come down to some very specific benefit that are likely to be unique to your training program.
What is different about you?
When you create your own products it is much easier for you to work out what is different about the way your product is put together compared to other people. You know what your level of understanding is, what experience you have and how your customers will benefit from that.
Think about your skills and qualifications and how you can relate that to the products that you create and how that might give you a competitive edge.
Why NOT Your Competitor?
It can also be helpful to think of it the other way round and rather sit and think about the benefit that you provide look at your competition and think about the gaps and why people should not do business with them. Looking at it this way round can sometimes create a real light bulb moment where you discover a huge gap that you can easily fill.
Character Traits
sometimes having a look at your own personal character traits can be an important way to differentiate yourself. This is particularly true if you provide audio training or coaching programs.
Here are some traits that you might possess and be able to use for your advantage:
Friendly, dynamic, hype, realistic, down to earth, artistic, fast, detailed, etc.,
Once you have discovered your unique selling position remember to fulfil it in every aspect of your business.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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Monday, 17 March 2014

Internet Marketing: Understanding Your Markets Needs

In this article I am going to discuss how to understand exactly what your target market needs and wants. If you don't know this then you will probably end up wasting an awful lot of time and effort.
Market Research
It all begins with market research. Researching what your target market is looking for. What questions are they asking? What discussions seem to come round time and time again?
In order to do market research effectively you need to know where your target market are likely to be hanging out online.
This means typing in the same types of search phrases that they would use and see what websites show up in the search engines.
Finding relevant forums in your niche and doing a search on question and answer sites.
The more you understand about your potential customers the better equipped you are to provide them with what they need.
What Type Of People Have This Need
Over time you will notice that a certain type of person will have a specific type of need. This is a generalisation of course but you will certainly notice a trend. Document this so that you can build up a mental picture of your ideal prospect.
Are they extrovert or introvert? Do they prefer reading or listening? This is important to know so that you can offer them what they need in a way that appeals to them.
How Can You Solve It
Once you know your ideal customer and exactly what they need and how they want the solution presented to them - you can go away and create that solution and package it up into a product.
Market The Solution
Find a way to build a relationship with your prospects, perhaps in an email campaign and then present your offer as the solution to what they have been looking for.
When you present your offer focus in on the benefits that will appeal to this type of prospect. Use the language that they will relate to but be careful to remain true to yourself - don't pretend to be a different type of person to who you actually are. If you remain consistent it is easier to develop trust in the long term.
The best way to understand your market to start with the customers need rather than the product (solution). Do the research and you eliminate the risk of a product launch failure.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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How To Write Your Own Marketing Plan

In this article I am going to discuss how you can write your own effective marketing plan. The thing about writing a plan is that it enables you to become more focused and therefore more efficient.
There are many aspects to a marketing plan but I believe that you need to make it as short and concise as possible so that you can see at a glance exactly what you are aiming to achieve.
Therefore I am going to list the essential elements that you need to include in your own marketing plan.
Market Research
First of all you need to do your market research to make sure that any effort you make will have at least the potential of being profitable. So ask yourself these kind of questions:
  • Is there a demand for what you are offering?
  • Who is your customer?
  • Who is your ideal customer and what are their wants and needs?
  • Is this particular niche already profitable?
Really dig deep and find out if what you are proposing has every chance of being successful. Know who your customer is inside out so that you know who you are targeting and that will make it easier for you to find out where you need to market.
What Is Your Strategy?
Your strategy is all about the things that are unique about your business and services, how you can brand your business and what you want to achieve and why.
It is a good idea to come up with your own mission statement as a short concise sentence of your business brand.
If you understand what it is you want to achieve and the reason why you want to achieve that from your customers perspective then you will have a strategy to follow.
You need to do your numbers. You need to know what money you need available for implementing your marketing plan and of course you need some way of measuring whether you're being successful not.
In other words are you generating income and are you profitable?
This means tracking what you're doing and testing to make sure that you optimise your efforts so that you become far more efficient.
Your Action Plan
It is all very well coming up with a marketing plan but you must include some kind of action plan so that you know exactly how you are going to implement things. This should include the goals that you have and the steps you need to take in order to achieve those specific goals.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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Thursday, 13 March 2014

What You Should Analyse In Your Online Business

In this article I am going to discuss what you should be analysing in your online business. There is much talk about testing and tracking results but what things should you actually be looking at?
Squeeze Page
I will assume that you are building an email list and therefore using some kind of a squeeze page so that people can opt in and become a subscriber. This is definitely one of the areas that you need to be testing.
If you can optimise your squeeze page you will need to drive less traffic to that page to get the same number of subscribers.
The most important thing is to check that you are offering something that your target market will find beneficial and want to download for free. Then you can edit your header and bullet points to see if you can make them more compelling to optimise your opt in rate.
Once people have signed up to your list then there are things that you need to start analysing as far as your email campaign is concerned.
Your emails need to be opened and when you come to promote an offer you will want people to click on the link through to your sales page.
Therefore you need to analyse your email open rate and your click through rate.
Email opens
The reason why people will open your email is because you have proved that you deliver valuable and helpful information.
Another reason why people open email is because the subject heading is of interest to them.
Therefore throughout your emails, on your website and in your free gift, you need to demonstrate your credibility as someone who is available and able to help them as an individual.
When it comes to the subject headings this is something that you can test and your email auto responder will have a split testing tool that you can use to help you do this.
Email clicks
Once someone has opened your email if you have a call to action in our email and you want your subscriber to click on the link, you need to make sure that the link states exactly what they are going to expect.
If the text is not relevant to your sales page then you will probably annoy a lot of your subscribers.
It might be worth testing to see if adding a link at the top of your email as well is one at the bottom or elsewhere, increases the number of clicks. You need to give someone a reason why it would be beneficial to them to click on that link.
Sales Page
Another obvious place that you need to test is your sales page itself. The most important parts of your sales page will be your headline and your opening paragraph. These need to impact your visitor immediately so that they engage with you from the start.
Your call to action must also be visible throughout your sales letter and this is something you can test to find out how many times and in what location the sales button may increase your conversion rate.
Where Does Your Buyer Come From?
A very important part of your analysis needs to be a way for you to find out where your buyer's are coming from.
Let's just suppose that you are gaining traffic from your website, from You Tube videos and from forum posts. You may find that people who have joined your list from watching a video tend to become buyers more often than those who have joined your list from visiting a forum.
This is very valuable information and enables you to focus more of your efforts on driving traffic using videos in this particular example.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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Why Having A Visual Reminder Can Help You Get Results Faster

In this article I am going to discuss why it can be very helpful for you to turn your results into some kind of a graph. Most of us are visual people and therefore representing your results in a visual way might prove more helpful and give you the motivation you need to get more results.
If you put your results into a spreadsheet which you should be going, it is often not very obvious whether things are improving or not. However if you turn those numbers into a graph you will be able to see immediately whether your results are increasing or not.
Here are some areas that you should be analysing and where a graphical representation might help you.
Create a spreadsheet that shows your squeeze page opt in rate. You will need to know how many visits you are getting to your page and how many of those visits turn into subscribers.
When you have that information you can easily turn that into a graph and see whether your opt in rate is improving as you optimise your squeeze page.
Sales Conversion
You can do a similar thing with your sales conversion rate. Create a spreadsheet with the number of visits to your sales page and the number of purchases from those visits. You will then be able to see what your sales rate is and whether it is improving as you tweak your sales page.
I think it is also important to find out how much money you are actually spending and whether you are able to generate income from that expense.
So for example, if you purchase a new training course, are you able to increase your income after implementing what you have learnt?
if you purchase a new software does your income increase as a result of being able to use that software?
It might mean that you have more time available to spend on generating content or products.
Having a spreadsheet that shows your income and expenses for each month is very important for you to keep track and make sure that you are always in profit.
Using free software such as Google analytics is a great tool for you to keep track and to see visually how you are doing when it comes to generating visits to particular webpages and the kind of action that you hope people will take.
If you create goals you will be able to see at a glance how well you are doing in achieving those particular goals.
Keeping your finger on the pulse and knowing instantly how well or not your business is doing you can identify areas that need improvement and quickly take the action that you need to so that you continue to be successful.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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Sunday, 9 March 2014

Is A Video Sales Letter Different From A Traditional One?

In this article I am going to discuss whether a video sales letter should be created in the same way as you would a traditional written sales page. Do the usual copy writing rules apply?
In a traditional sales letter we tend to focus primarily on the benefits that people will see after they purchase and implement an information product. We are told that people buy based on the benefits that they are going to get and the results that they will see rather than the actual features of your product.
However, when it comes to creating a video sales letter do these rules still apply or do we need to change the way that we focus on the product when we do a video?
What I want to do is to go through a scenario if you like, so that you understand when I later reveal how you should create a video sales letter.
If you think about the purpose of a video it is to show or to demonstrate something to someone else. Can you demonstrate benefits or results that someone watching will be able to relate to?
Or is it easier to actually show the features of a product on a video?
If you are selling a piece of software then the best type of sales letter to create would be a video sales letter because you would be able to show exactly what the features were of the software and how to actually use it.
Therefore if we think about an information product what would be the purpose of a video? What would you be able to show people about your information product?
When you think about it in this way it becomes clear that a video sales letter needs to be different from the traditional copy writing one. It needs to have a different focus, one that is actually based on people seeing your product.
With an information product the purpose of a video sales letter is to draw people in to engage them enough so that they then become qualified to read the rest of your sales copy.
One of the disadvantages about purchasing a digital product is that you don't know what is going to look like and what you will end up with when you download it.
Creating a sales video that actually shows the product - the pages that people will receive, the download page itself or a quick look at the videos - all of those things are features but they give your information product a tangible feel and therefore draw people in.
Once someone knows exactly what they are going to get when they download your products then if they are interested and it looks good then they will be qualified to read the rest of your sales letter where you go into more detail about the benefits and results from purchasing your product.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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How To Create a Video Sales Page

In this article I am going to discuss the right way to create a video sales letter. The purpose of your video will be to draw people in so that they become interested in what you have to offer and become a more qualified buyer.
Writing a long sales page is effective but often people don't have the patience to read all the way through unless they are interested enough in what you have to offer.
Therefore writing an engaging headline and first paragraph becomes extremely important when writing a traditional sales letter. It needs to be engaging enough and interesting enough for someone to continue to read all the way through.
When you create a video sales letter you can actually create something a lot shorter. A video in itself will be far more engaging than written words on a page but if you create a sales video that is 15 minutes long then people will not have the patience to listen all the way through.
Therefore if you create a video for your product you need to use your video as you would the headline and first paragraph of a traditional sales page.
So you would create a video that is up to 2 minutes long that entices people to purchase your product or to read more about it in your written sales copy below the video.
Basically that video is going to do the pre selling for you. It will show people exactly what they are getting so there are no surprises when they actually download your product.
Using a video to sell an information product is one way to eliminate risk for your customer. If you show them exactly what they are getting and what their download will be like then they know exactly what they are getting.
You can create a video of yourself talking and showing the product or you could create a slide presentation that shows screenshots of your product. This is very easy to do using Windows movie maker and is free to download.
Make sure that before you record your video you know what it's purpose is and the message you are trying to get across.
Once you have recorded your video you can upload it to your sales page and people can see very quickly exactly what they are going download and if they are interested they can then read in more detail about your product below the video.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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Wednesday, 5 March 2014

How To Write A Video Sales Script

In this article I am going to discuss how to go about writing a script for your video sales letter. Remember that it needs to come across professional and therefore you need to know beforehand exactly what you're going to include.
Therefore it makes sense to write out a script even if you don't read it word for word, it will cement in your own mind what you are going to say.
So for example, what is the purpose of the video what are you trying to get across to your customers? What does your product actually solve and will you focus on the pain or the pleasure? What will you show in the video what screen shots will be helpful and backup what you are actually saying?
You need to have a rough idea of where your video is going. If you are going to create a two-minute sales video then you would need roughly 5 paragraphs to take up that time.
Make sure that you always have some kind of call to action at the end of the video so if you want people to press the buy now button then make sure you include that in your presentation.
If you are using a video as a squeeze page video for people to sign up to your list then again make sure that you include your call to action at the end of the video requesting that people add their name and email to receive your free gift.
Once you have written some kind of script see if you can turn it into a story. Obviously it will be a short story but people tend to relate and connect more to a story rather than just facts.
If you are using slides for your video then it might make sense to create those first and then add your voice later.
Some people find that for them it is far easier to read their script and then create the slides later. This is something that you can test yourself to see which works best for you.
The downside to creating a sales video is that the size of your video file tends to be quite large. This can cause problems to some people if their Internet speed is not very fast.
This is why it is best to create a very short video because then you can create a high quality video and not need to worry too much about the end file size.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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Can You Really Make Money Online Or Not?

In this article I am going to discuss how you can really make money online. There are many different ideas on how you can make money online and some even demonstrating proof but it doesn't necessarily mean that anyone following that system will actually make money.
You have probably seen adverts that state that their particular system has been featured on television program or in a newspaper somewhere. The question is should you use that as evidence and proof that the system will work for you?
What you need to do is to think about it that particular system and decide if it makes sense? Would this really work in the real world?
You see just because you might be using the Internet to make money doesn't change the fact that things that don't work in the real word also fail to work online. The Internet isn't some magic virtual world whereby common sense and reality are no longer required!
So how do people make money online?
They do exactly what people are doing off-line. They run a business.
Look at all the successful people who make money online and have done for years and years. I'm not talking about people who get lucky and make a whole load of money but then a year later their particular system no longer works. I'm talking about a solid business that produces revenue year after year.
If you look at those people they are doing exactly what is happening in the real world off-line. They are building a business by offering a product that people actually want.
You have to have a product or service that people want.
It doesn't happen overnight it takes time and it takes effort to build a business like that.
If you just want to make a bit of money online then you can probably follow some of these systems and earn a little bit of cash but if you are looking for something more than that, something that you can be proud of and call an actual business then you have to be providing something that people want in the form of a product or a service.
You need to do market research and find out what kind of business niche will be profitable and also something that you will enjoy. If you don't enjoy your business then you will find it hard to spend the time necessary to expand it.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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Monday, 3 March 2014

Internet Marketing: Are You Stopping Yourself From Seeing Success?

In this article I am going to discuss why sometimes the person who can stop you from seeing success in your online business is actually you. If you don't have the correct mindset then it becomes much harder to get results and to see the results you are looking for long term.
One of the biggest problems I see is that when someone decides that they want to use the Internet to make money and they begin to use the Internet to find out how it might be possible they become set in a particular mindset.
This mindset is what I call a buying or a buyers mindset. You are looking for an opportunity and when you are in that frame of mind you become susceptible to spending money and buying solutions to help you achieve your goal which is to make money online.
The problem is that once you find a way that you consider to be effective instead of stopping at that point and changing your mindset so that you are no longer looking for opportunities but rather providing opportunities, people stay in the buying mindset.
This means that when ever you need more help with running your business or setting up a website when you go out looking for that help you often fall into the trap of getting distracted and buying other so-called systems that might be more effective.
This just becomes a cycle and the problem is that since no action is ever taken, every system that this type of person buys never seems to work! So they are always looking for the one system that is going to work.
You see if you actually took action and you spent time on one system and one only, then you would probably find that you were able to make a little bit of money and prove to yourself that if you continued taking that action you would be able to scale things up and expand your online income.
So what mindset do you need to have?
As soon as you know how you are going to make money online and I would suggest that you take the commonsense approach and provide some kind of a service or a product that people actually want. This is a proven system both off-line and online.
Once you know what business you're going to build then you have to change your mindset and become a seller. If you create your own product then it becomes easy to change your focus and begin to market your product as the opportunity provider rather than opportunity seeker.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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Why You Should Have Multiple Streams Of Income Online

We have all heard the phrase don't put all your eggs in one basket. Does this apply to your online business or the way you make money online? In this article I am going to discuss why you should have multiple streams of income.
Generally when people think about having multiple streams of income they think about maybe setting up more than one type of business model. For example, affiliate marketing, making money with AdSense, niche marketing etc.
The problem with this is that if you are juggling different business models then it becomes very complicated and difficult to track all your results and to test their effectiveness.
So I want to look at this in a different way. Let's take the information marketing model as this is the one that I use.
Can you incorporate other streams of income within just one business model?
Well if you think about it if you have multiple products then you already have multiple streams of income.
In an information marketing business you provide training programs, coaching programs, ebooks, video series, etc. - you provide multiple products.
How else might you be able to generate income with this business model?
Well in any business you are always going to recommend resources and tools that will help people achieve particular things.
With an online business it is unlikely that you would provide all of these tools yourself as some of them will be physical rather than digital.
Therefore it makes sense that when you recommend a good quality tool that you know people in your particular niche will be interested in and find helpful, it makes business sense if you use an affiliate link so that when people purchase it you generate a commission.
This doesn't mean that you have now changed your whole business model and become an affiliate marketer, it means that you are using your existing business model and using opportunities to generate passive income when appropriate.
If you have a website that provides resources and it would be appropriate to add some advertising on that page such as AdSense then again it makes business sense to add that to your website and generate another opportunity to make money.
Having multiple streams of income is not about juggling more than one type of business model but rather using your established business model effectively and looking for opportunities to generate other streams of income
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products nquickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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