In this article I am going to discuss two of the main mistakes that coaches often make in their business. People who coach others tend to be by nature helpful and giving. It is that trait that can cause a problem in their business.
Giving Too Much
When you spend a lot of time giving out to others it can be easy to forget that in order to give you also need to spend time receiving.
A really good way of understanding this is to use the analogy of a money bank. Suppose you have a bank account and it is full of money and you are able to give that money away freely to the people who need it. There will come a point at which the money runs out and you will need to top it back up.
If you don't top up your bank account with money then not only are you unable to give and share that with others you will also be unable to buy the necessary items that you need yourself.
Therefore by topping up your money bank you are able to provide for yourself and provide for others.
If we think of this in terms of giving out to others with coaching, then you can see that after a while there is no more to give unless you've topped yourself back up again.
Signs of needing to be topped up again might be feeling tired, irritable or overwhelmed. If you were feeling any of these emotions then it is time for you to make some effort to top up your own bank account. This might mean spending a day off and doing something that you enjoy or it might be taking time to relax and to totally switch off.
The reality is that unless you are topped up yourself then you won't be as effective at helping others. Therefore as a coach you need to make sure that you spend time for yourself as well is giving out to others.
Too Broad
Another mistake coaches make is trying to be all things to all people. When you really want to help other people it can be tempting to offer help in all areas of someone's business and personal life. Unfortunately this can lead to a perceived idea that you are a Jack of all trades, but a master of none.
Really make sure that you understand what your area of expertise is so that you stand out as being the expert for people to go to rather than offering too much and losing that competitive edge.
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