Monday, 7 April 2014

What Is The Purpose Of Your Content And Sales Funnel?

In this article I am going to discuss what purpose your content has and also why you need a sales funnel. How do the two fit together?
The content is in effect the start of your sales funnel. So you create content for people to read or listen to, as a means of generating traffic to the place you want that traffic to go.
You use that content to bring visitors to the website you want them to end up on. This website might be your sales page, your blog or a squeeze page.
If you use a squeeze page then the purpose of that web page is to encourage the visitors to sign up to your email list.
If they connect with you and the content you have created, plus they want to get what you are offering them, then they will sign up to your list.
One mistake that people make is to use their content for more than one purpose. If you write content with the aim of people to visit another site whether that be a sales page or squeeze page the purpose of that content is to draw them in.
That's the purpose. However, many people use the content not only to draw visitors in but also as a sales pitch!
This confuses your visitor. Using content marketing as a sales pitch is not going to work. It should be used to lure people in so that they become your subscriber.
How do you lure people in? By creating content that helps your target audience in some way or another. Your ultimate goal is to be THE expert (not just an expert) in your particular field and you can use content for this purpose.
Content that positions yourself as THE expert is content that your prospects will search out and find. So your content positions you as the expert and helps your audience in some way. It lures them in so that they become your subscriber.
Now the sales funnel can begin. Now that your subscribers see you as the expert and you have proved helpful you can nurture that relationship and increase that trust and respect.
You can offer a low risk, low priced product that is of high quality so that your subscribers become buyers.
Once you have buyers on your list you can then offer another, higher priced product as part of your sales funnel until you get to your backend offer.
Each part of your funnel acts like a filter. You filter off the people who don't need what you have and also those who can't afford or are unwilling to pay for what they need.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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