n this article I am going to discuss whether you should focus on what your customer wants or what they actually need. With information marketing you are usually providing a solution to a particular problem and therefore it is natural to focus on what your customer actually needs. However, what if they don't actually want your solution?
Have you ever been in a situation where you have tried again and again to help someone solve a particular issue that they have but it doesn't matter how many times you give them the solution they never do anything about it?
There are times when people don't actually want a solution to their problem because they feel secure having a problem. Sometimes people have had a particular problem for so long that if they were to have that problem removed they would feel extremely vulnerable and therefore subconsciously they hold on to the problem. They don't want a solution.
Therefore when it comes to creating your product that solves specific problems you need to be very careful how you market it. You need to market it in such a way that people who need it actually want it as well.
This might mean creating your product in a format that people want or in a way that someone will feel more comfortable with. For example, if you offer one-on-one coaching to help someone through their problem you may find that many people are put off by that and feel threatened by it.
That fear overrides their desire to remove the problem and therefore they do nothing about it. If you were to offer email coaching as another option then you might find that other people take you up on your offer because they feel safer with that kind of interaction.
In many ways when you market your product as being a solution to a problem you need to include in your sales page a reason why keeping the problem is a far worse option than solving the problem. There must be a compelling enough reason why someone should solve their problem so that they actually want to solve it as well.
The best way to do this is to ask your customers how they want to solve their problem. Find out what they want and the way they want it. They might be looking for information only or something more tangible.
When you include something that reflects what people want you are more able to help those particular people who may not realise that they have a problem in the first place and those who are reluctant to change.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kay_Franklin
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