Wednesday, 19 February 2014

The Downsides Of Choosing Your Hobby For A Business Idea

In this article I am going to discuss why choosing your hobby for your online business niche may not be the best thing and what you can do about it. It will be enjoyable but may not be profitable.
Ideally whatever business you choose to go into you need to choose a niche that you are likely to enjoy. Therefore choosing a hobby as your business niche can seem like a good idea! However, there is a danger with this.
If you have a hobby then you are likely to be passionate about it. The concept of charging people for your products could be very difficult to come to terms with.
I have found that many people who start off using their hobby for their business run into problems in that they are not making the kind of money they need to in order for it to be a viable business venture. Sometimes ending up in huge debt!
When you enjoy something so much you are much more likely to offer your services and help for nothing or for very little.
Also you can be more prone to over working and then getting burn out or putting relationships under pressure.
In the end it is a mind set shift that you need to put right straight away. There have been people who have realised too late that they need to start charging more for their help and their business has ended up costing them money rather than producing any revenue.
So what can do you about it?
If you decide to use your hobby as your business idea then you must make sure that you have the right mind set and separate your business from your hobby in some why.
You need to understand that charging for your services is OK and the right thing to do.
Think about other services such as a beautician, hair dresser, clothes designer - they may love their job and it may have started out as a hobby but they now see it as a business. If you wanted to use their services you would willingly pay for it.
It is the same for your business. Just because you enjoy what you are doing doesn't mean that you shouldn't charge other people to gain from your expertise.
Remember that when you are working on your business you must treat it as a business at all times.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.
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