Friday, 18 October 2013

Why You Should Avoid Using Pop Ups

It seems that whenever you visit a website there is always some kind of pop-up that appears. In this article I want to discuss why you should avoid using pop-ups and how it can be detrimental to your visitor relationships.
There are many accounts of people using pop-ups in their Internet marketing business and they have seen an increase in people responding to the particular message that they have in their pop-up.
Generally people use it as a way to offer something to their readers to encourage them to sign up to their email campaign.
Although pop-ups are popular and can increase the number of subscribers to your campaign I believe they can impact the relationship or at least the initial relationship that you build with your potential prospects negatively.
Personally I find them really annoying especially when they appear after I have already begun reading and then block my view. I know I am not the only one there are many other people who feel like this.
Therefore for my own website I have to ask myself the question "do I want to annoy my visitors?". If your aim is to help other people then last thing you want to do is to annoy them. You might get more subscribers, you might even make more money but if you are annoying people then it doesn't fit in with your purpose - to help others.
I know there will be plenty of people who say that the benefits outweigh the negatives but for me I want to develop a trusting relationship with my prospects straight away. I don't want to annoy them with a pop-up and I want them to join my email campaign because they have read something I've written that they have found helpful and therefore they want to find out more. I want to develop a more personal trusting relationship from the very start.
Therefore I have looked to see what other types of pop-ups are available and fortunately there are many less distracting and annoying ones. There are many available that are not in your face and don't distract visitors from reading anything on your website and therefore I am happy to use those.
With so many non intrusive pop-ups available there is no excuse to be annoying your visitors. Have a look at your own website and see if you can be more thoughtful with your choice of pop-up.
By the way do you want to a sustainable income online? If so then download my brand new free eBook on how to maximize your profits by creating your own high quality products quickly: Super Fast Product Creation
Or visit My Blog for more step by step help.

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