Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Achieve Your Goals - Is Your Goal Compelling Enough?

When you have an outcome in mind and you are setting a goal in order to achieve it, do you spend enough time making it compelling enough? The adjective "compelling" can be defined as evoking interest, attention or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way. It can also be defined as not able to be refuted or inspiring conviction. This is what your goal must create for you; a compelling reason or set of reasons that makes completing or achieving it better than not completing or achieving it. Sounds simple but how do you set about creating something compelling?
I believe that the best way to form a compelling goal outcome is to make it internal in some way. We all have preferred representation systems when we interact with the world so here are a few methods of forming your internal "image."
If you are a very visual person, you can form a picture or mental image of the outcome. Ideally this picture would include you and your connection with the outcome. It might be visible to you in super bright colours or have movement for example. Create a wish board or montage. Use materials and pictures that make you want to look again and again.
If you are a very auditory person you can create a goal representation with sound. Not just any sounds though; these sounds must connect you with the outcome and be emotionally interesting and engaging. Make a recording for frequent replaying; include music and ambient sound if you like.
If you are a kinesthetic person you will enjoy and be motivated by a representation in movement or touchable, tactile elements. You could create a model of the desired outcome or create a routine of movements that form a rehearsal of your outcome.
Tastes and smells can also be used to form a compelling representation if those elements are appropriate and you enjoy working with them.
Ideally, you would build your representation using more than one, and preferably all, the methods above. Use your sensory rich representation in conjunction with writing your goals down on paper and you will go a long way towards forming a compelling representation of your desired outcome. This will help drive you toward completing your goal as intended. Be creative and have fun with these methods.
However you form the representation, it must truly and powerfully present a more attractive outcome to you than your existing reality provides.
A key point here is that time spent forming this compelling representation is time well spent for you. I wish you well.
I'm Andy Pope and I am committed to helping individuals and organisations develop more effective face to face communication skills and personal development. I hope you enjoyed this article.
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