Monday, 25 February 2013

How To Market Your Business On Facebook

If you use social marketing to market your business, then you know about Facebook. It is the number one social site on the internet and is only second to Google in the amount of traffic it gets (according to Alexa).
One of the things I like most about this site is that there are so many ways to market here. Except for the ads section, all of these techniques are free.
Fan Pages - A fan page is where you create a page for your site. You post status updates to this page, as well as information about your business. Once you build your page, make sure you share it everywhere you can. Your page should be complete, keyword rich, and point back to your business website. You may build as many pages as you like, so if you're a book author, build a page for each of your books.
Groups - Groups allow you to connect with others and discuss topics you care about. Facebook offers groups on just about every topic imaginable, so you'll find plenty available regardless of what topic you are interested in. There is a limit at this time on the number of groups you may join: 300. Periodically get rid of groups that don't serve you, and if you're being added to groups you're not interested in, delete those too.
Friends - You are limited to only 5000 friends here, so make all your connections count. Read the profiles of those who want to connect with you. Search for those you want to connect with and send friends requests. These requests are limited to 20 a day, so be careful when you're sending out these requests. Facebook may lock you out for awhile if they think you are engaging in spam.
Events - You may post your events, or you can attend the events of others. If you do decide to create an event, make sure you promote it as much as possible so that you get the attendees you want. Invite your friends but show respect. Don't bombard them with events. Send out a press release and a mailing to your list to let them know. You also want to consider other ways to promote like article writing, as well as promoting on your blog.
Applications and Games - Not only can you create applications to promote your business, you can create applications and games to make money. Some of these games have become so popular that they have made millions of dollars. This will work better if you are in the gaming industry, but if you can find a way to relate a game to your business, then you should consider it. Use applications to help you automate blog posting to your pages. There are also plenty of applications that can be used to post your status from other sites like Pinterest, Twitter, and others so that friends may see your activity on other sites.
Ads - Ads on Facebook are much less expensive than ads you buy on Google AdWords. There are different ways you can choose ads, including simply promoting a status, or you may buy impressions. Whatever you choose, make sure you make an offer that drives traffic to your website. What this means is that you don't want to try and sell anything in your ad. Try to build a list so you can recycle your traffic and get the most out of it. You may also consider sending them to your content on Facebook to build fans.
Facebook is a great way to promote your business. However, it can be very addictive, so make sure you have a plan before you start marketing there. This includes having a list of tasks you complete each day, and you want to make sure that you answer your friend requests, messages, and any other requests you may have.
Like these tips? Then visit my internet marketing blog for articles, videos, and other free content to help you market online. Connect with me on the social sites. Visit Killer Marketing Arsenal to get your free internet marketing membership.
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