Thursday, 7 February 2013

5 Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Twitter

Twitter is one of the most visited websites in the world. It's also one of the most misunderstood because it's different from many of the websites available where you can market. If you understand how to market on Twitter though, you can drive a ton of traffic to your website, build your brand, and make more money. Below are five tips that will help you get more from Twitter:
1. Create a username that brands your business.
In my case, I use my name. It's because I'm an author, and I want others to identify my name with my work. You may want to use the name of your business. Whatever you use, make sure you use something that relates to your business and will help others remember who you are.
2. Build an effective profile.
There are several things you may do to make your profile more effective. First, you may consider adding a custom background. This allows you to add more information about your business. The profile functions on Twitter are quite limited because you only have about 160 characters available for your description and a link to your website. With a custom background, you can add information about your social profiles, as well as anything else you want. Write a description that includes your keyword as well as including a link to your site.
3. Follow those in your industry.
If you want to connect with the top people in your industry, then follow them. If you start following them, they may just follow you. Follow as many people in your industry as you can. This will allow you to connect with people in your industry and build your following. Building a following is hard work, so get out there and do it. Use your other social sites to help you find those to connect to.
4. Engage your audience.
You don't want to constantly write about your business. That's boring. Get personal and invite your followers into your life too. You don't want to be too personal, but try and write about different things. Get your audience to pay attention to what you are saying. If others are following you, you can share their posts, as well as comment. Really connect with your readers.
5. Avoid automation.
Although you may want to automate your blog posts, which is fine, you don't want to automate all of your posts. Make it a point to post content yourself at regular intervals. Read what others are writing and see what tweets others are engaging on. This will help you figure out what type of content to post, again, so you can engage your readers.
Twitter can be an effective way to market your business if you use it correctly. Take the time to learn how to use it, and you can build a tremendous amount of traffic and sales to your business.
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