Many times people think that article marketing just means writing articles for article directories. But I personally think that article directories should be a very small part of your article marketing strategy . I believe that blog posts should be a huge part of your article marketing strategy. And I'm not talking about blog commenting, or spammy blog posts. I'm talking about writing articles and putting them on blogs.
There are a few ways you can do this.
One way is to become a guest blogger, where you agree to write so many articles per month or per week for a blog. You get great exposure, because the blog gets the traffic, people read your article, and then they click through to your site as a result of reading your article. It works just like submitting an article to an article directory, but instead you are submitting the article to a blog.
So how do you write an article for a blog? The first step of course is determining your topic. The blog owner might tell you what to write about. Or you get to know your niche and find out what they want to learn about. And especially, what do they want to know about that others are not adequately teaching?
Once you know your topic, if at all possible, either write an article that creates just a little controversy or polarization, or write an article that gives someone steps to doing something. I believe that an article with controversy or polarization tends to increase the authenticity of your article, and that leads people trusting you if they subscribe to your list. And it also can increase future views to the blog, which is good for you because if your future articles get more views, then you get more traffic!
And if you write an article that gives people steps to doing something, if someone needs what you are teaching, then the article becomes really useful. And my opinion is that if the article is really useful, then when people read it, they take action. And if they take action, then they remember you. And if your advice works, they remember that. And when it is time for them to do business, they choose to do business with you. And of course that is why you are writing articles in the first place, so people will choose to do business with you, right?
By the way, do you want the formula for building a full time income through article marketing? If so, download my 64 minute audio here: article marketing audio
Or do you want to learn how I use automated marketing to sell and deliver coaching online - and how you can too? If so, download it here: automated coaching online
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