Building links used to be an extremely popular topic. Everyone was getting as many links as possible and it seemed to be making a difference to their search engine rankings.
Then Google changed some things. So it link building still working or not?
What Is Link Building?
Building links to your web site means getting having the URL of your website visible and click able on someone else's website.
It could be a web site, a forum, a blog, a directory, book marketing site - basically any site online where links can be added.
Sounds simple enough doesn't it?
Well it was so simple that people began to develop software that would automate the process for you.
This is when things got out of hand!
Links started appearing all over the web and on sites that really had nothing to do with the destination of the link itself.
So a link for a weight loss product might appear on a computer know how site - not as an advertisement but as a valuable resource.
So Google Put An End To It Once And For All
So Google developed an update that wiped out all of the sites that were using this manipulative technique.
A lot of marketers gave up but those who had never got involved in this link building furry were obviously pleased! Now their sites had less competition!
So How Should You Build Links Now?
Google has made it clear that any links occurring in an unnatural manner will be looked upon with suspicion.
So if you purposely go and try to get links then you are making a mistake in the long run.
Natural links are OK
Book marketing your site in a few places in normal marketing activity. Tweeting your updates, updating Facebook and Google+ - these are also normal marketing activities.
However, repeatedly submitting the same URL yourself is not.
The important part of getting visibility in the search engines comes down to content. Original, quality content that provides the information that someone is looking for.
When you create content like that then people naturally start sharing it. Other sites begin to link to it because it is seen as authoritative.
I believe that the time spent worrying about building links should be invested in creating great content. Do that and the links will take care of themselves. You'll begin to see them grow with time in an effective way.
By the way did you know that you would be far more successful if you were creating and selling your own information products (books, audios, videos, etc)?
And it's quick and easy if you know how, so download my brand new free eBook and you can start Creating High Quality Products Fast
Kay Franklin
Information Marketing Action Taker
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