Monday, 26 August 2013

Home Business Internet Marketing Tips

Your Company Forbids Advertising Online
This is not a bad thing. You don't want to jump right in there and start advertising your company or product. You want to position yourself first as an expert and leader in your niche. You are selling yourself as a trusted helper who can offer a solution to their problem. People are interested in other people, not a company or product. Your goal is to put yourself out on the internet and hopefully get people contacting you for more information about the opportunity you provide. You can gain attention for your website in a variety of ways. There are both free and paid ways to do home business internet marketing where you can provide content that contain links back to your website so that you can build a residual income business.
Where Do You Start?
You start by creating a website using a free service such as Weebly that talks only about the benefits of your product or company. You may want purchase a domain name for your website. On your website you make a free offer that they can only receive by giving their contact information. This free offer can be in the form of a free report, free service, free products, or a drawing for a prize. When they opt into your website their contact information goes into an auto responder and if they do not call you right away, you now have the information you need to contact them instead. The auto responder can also send out a series of timed email messages encouraging them to contact you and consider your offer.
Making Contacts
The nice thing about home business internet marketing is there are people out on the World Wide Web who are looking for what you have to offer. They are interested in your products and business and they have the money to spend. Even though you are not directly advertising your company or products, you are offering them the benefits they are looking for or a solution to their problem. You are generating your own leads in order to build a residual income business. When you do make contact with them you can use the fact that they have already shown interest in you by checking out your website and leaving their contact information. Your content and website are working for you 24/7. You don't have to stay home every day logged onto your computer. The auto responder will tell you who they are and at what time and date they opted into your site.
Presenting Your Offer
Once you make contact with your new prospect you can finally talk about your company and product without breaking any of your company's rules. I have a quick prospecting script where I ask them to listen to a recorded message on a telephone number that I give to them. On the telephone call I have recorded a 15 minute message with a guest speaker who is a leader in this company. This gives them the basic information about my company and hopefully a powerful incentive to call me back. I ask beforehand that they call me back to offer their thoughts and that is when I spend more time getting to know them.
Closing the Deal
Your final step in building a residual income business the closing once they call you back. Ask them what their impressions were of the presentation. Next you can ask them what they were searching for. Listen carefully for their pain or their problem and their efforts to find a solution. Now you can tell them your own short 3-4 minute personal story about what you were searching for before you found your product, service or business opportunity. The more your story relates to their problem, the better your connection to them will be. Then you can talk about how you found your business and how it changed your life. If you are offering a business opportunity emphasize the benefits of the residual income business you were able to create. It is all about making a personal connection. Once you feel you have done that then you can make them an offer. If they do not want or need what you are offering then thank them politely and move on to your next prospect. You did not fail. You are just one step closer to finding the right person.
If you would like to know more about a solid home business that lends itself well to internet marketing click here Residual Income Business. Annie Cook is the President of a home based business and an expert author of many articles related to home business success and internet marketing. If you would like to know more about Annie Cook click here Home Business Success.
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